Page 134 of Forbidden Soul

Everyone grunts and nods their agreement and I keep my cool, knowing that everyone's doing what they can to bring him in. Helpless as I feel, I've got Shaniya, and I know I can protect her now I know what I’m up against.

“I’ll keep on it my end too,” Roswell directs his words at me, and I nod back at him, grateful for them.

“Last order of business,” Prez says, leaning forward on his elbows.

“My cue to leave.” Roswell gets up, he’s better off not knowing what we discuss within these walls. “Thanks for your time, officer.” Prez smirks at the old man who leaves us with a weird kinda salute.

“I had a strange request this morning, but I figured I’d bring it to the table,” Prez continues when Roswell’s closed the door, grabbing all of our attention back.

“Chief's golden boy wants in. Turns out getting his hands dirty gave him a thirst.” He shrugs, sitting back in his chair and waiting to hear everyone’s thoughts.

Son of a bitch.

“You’re kidding, right?” Nyx laughs.

“You see me smilin'?” Prez answers his son in law with a raised eyebrow.

“And you're seriously putting this to the table?” Tac asks.

“I like him,” Squealer shrugs his huge shoulders. “He showed willingness with the Albanian situation.”

“Well, he’d need a sponsor for us to consider it,” Prez looks at Squeal.

“Oh hell no. I ain't got time for that shit,” Squeal sits back, and the room goes silent. No one’s stepping up.

“Look, we’ll be looking for another Prospect in a few months anyway. Storm’s a little off right now but he’s been showing a lot of promise.”

“I’ll do it.” When the words come out of my mouth, I barely believe I’ve said them myself.

“Wait, let me get this straight,” Brax leans forward onto the table. “You’re gonna sponsor the kid that stabbed you in the arm and…” he lowers his voice, “…I’m pretty sure he’s crazy over your wife.”

“Squeal’s right, he came through for us, he proved he was useful,” I explain, because hell knows why but it feels kinda right that Tawk joins us.

“Let's put it to the vote, all those for Tawk becoming Prospect?” Prez asks the question, and despite some being a little hesitant. It’s a unanimous decision.

Tawk’s in.

When Prez slams the gavel, everyone heads out and I don’t hang around. Leaving straight for my cabin to find my wife. She’s scrolling intensely through her phone and when she sees me she instantly rushes to me, throwing her arms around my neck.

“How was church?” she asks after kissing me.

“Eventful, Tawk’s gonna be our new Prospect,” I inform her, and when she pulls away from me, her mouth hangs open.

“I don’t know how my uncle will feel about that. How did he even convince you all to let him in?”

“I said I’d sponsor him,” I tell her, watching her shock multiply.

“Just when I don’t think I can love you any harder, Travis Knox, you throw me,” Shaniya leaps her body up onto mine and wraps her legs around my hips.

“I got something I wanna show you,” I tell her, already walking us out the door.

“And I’ve got something I need to tell you.” She’s excited, I can tell by the giggle in her voice.

“You go first,” I give in, knowing she ain't gonna hold it in any longer anyway.

“Well, I’ve been looking into some jobs and there's a volunteer job going at the library in town. It’s only part-time and it doesn't pay… yet, but…” She looks worried now, all her excitement quickly fading.

“What's wrong?”