Page 121 of Forbidden Soul

“You’re gonna need birth control, Shaniya,” he laughs at me. “That was close over there, and believe me, you don’t want me knocking you up. I promise I’d be worse than Nyx is with Ella.” One of his hands slides down my body, pausing when it gets to my scars.

“They don’t hurt anymore,” I tell him, knowing that they bother him.

“That ain’t the point,” his head shakes sadly. “This should never have happened to you.”

“But it did.” I take his face in my hand and force him to look up at me. “Hate it or not, this is part of me now. This is our story.”

“I killed them,” he admits, his jaw tensing under my palm. “I know you don’t like to know shit, Shan, but you need to know that they’re dead. I killed them and I enjoyed every second of it. You sure you wanna spend your life with a man capable of that?” he asks with a serious look on his face.

“I wanna spend the rest of my life with you,” I assure him, stroking his handsome face and praying to God that this isn’t all a dream. “And I want us to have children too, ones we can raise here, around your people and mine. Don’t you think we deserve some happiness out of all this?”

Troj nods his agreement, and I see a tiny tear form in his eye.

His cock finds its way inside me again and as the warm water cascades over us, he leans me against the tiles and gives himself to me slowly and deep. And this time when he comes, he doesn't pull out of me.

“Take it we won’t be making a trip back to Long Beach.” Rogue has a huge grin on her face when me and Shan walk into the bar room hand in hand. “I hope you gave him hell.” She narrows her eyes at Shaniya, ripping her teeth into a pancake before she heads out the doors.

Shan looks embarrassed when she looks up at me, then she when she starts moving toward the breakfast trays I gesture my head over to the table where Maddy and Grace are sitting. “I’ll plate you some up, go sit with the girls,” I tell her.

“Thank you.” She kisses my cheek before heading over to join them, and I make my way over to where Jessie is helping himself to the buffet breakfast Marilyn’s laid out on the bar.

“Take it last night went well?” Jessie smirks as he loads up a plate, I’m judging from the portion sizes it’s for Maddy.

“I can’t believe she’s got it in her to forgive me,” I admit, looking over to where she’s sitting. She’s not the only one who I have to be thankful for. My brothers have seen a real ugly side to me lately, and I got a lot of making up to do.

I also need to speak to Shaniya’s uncle, and that ain’t gonna be an easy conversation. I haven’t looked the man in the face since the night everything happened, any respect I’d earned from him will be long gone by now.

“She loves you,” Jessie pulls me back to the conversation we’re having. “Those girls are a lot stronger than we give ‘em credit for.” He follows my eyeline over to them.

“What’s new?” Brax steps up beside us, grabbing a plate.

“Shaniya’s back for good,” Jessie tells him.

“Thank fuck for that,” he growls. “You wanting fried or scrambled, darlin'?” he softens his tone slightly as he calls over to Grace,

“Scrambled please,” she stops her conversation to answer him, and he gets back to making her plate up.

“When the fuck did this happen to us?” Jessie snorts a laugh when he glances down at the plates we’re holding in our hands.

“Would you change it? Go back to how it was before?” I ask them.

“Not a chance in hell,” Jess shakes his head.

“Nope,” Brax keeps his answer short as we move over toward the girls and place their plates in front of them.

The room slowly starts to fill, with hung-over, hungry members from the Nevada Charter, and as soon as Shaniya’s finished eating I decide it’s time to bite the bullet and face up to her uncle.

“Come on, we should go down to the village, let them know you’re home.”

“My uncle’s gonna be so mad at me. I should never have left without saying goodbye.” She suddenly looks nervous.

“Not as mad as he’s gonna be with me,” I point out, saying goodbye to the others before we leave to get on my bike.

Shaniya gets on behind me, sliding her arms around my waist like we’ve never been apart. She’s making all this so easy on me, and I won’t ever take that compassion for granted. I’ll spend a lifetime making sure she never regrets it.

When we arrive at the reservation, Dyanni drops the bucket she’s carrying, spilling the water all over the ground as she races toward her friend and hugs her.

“You’re back, I can’t believe you’re back!” she cries happy tears, but the smile drops off her face when she pulls back. “What were you thinking, leaving like that?” She swats at her. “You had me and Tayen so worried, and your uncle’s been beside himself.”