Page 116 of Forbidden Soul

“Boys are here.” Rogue marches in and stops in her tracks when she sees me.

“Oh, I see what you're doing here,” she waves her finger at me. “Hitting him with the whole pretty native girl thing. Clever.” She grabs at my hand as if she senses I need her support and then drags me out into the corridor. “Time to go get your man.”

The ride out to Nevada did fuck all to clear my head. Staying sober for it has only made me feel worse, and now that I’m back I fully intend to get myself wasted.

The club is packed with Souls tonight, we’ve brought at least ten back with us that will be passing on through to Nebraska.

Marilyn’s put on enough food for an army, but I ain’t hungry for anything other than liquor.

I head to the bar and nod at Mel, who automatically hands over the whole bottle of Jack. Unscrewing the lid, I start knocking it back.

“I gotta talk to you.” Grimm slides onto the barstool beside me, but I shake my head and move on. Screwy’s more my kinda company these days, he doesn't wanna chat feelings, and if he passes any judgment at least he keeps that shit to himself.

“Troj, I really need to talk to you,” Grimm doesn’t give up, but it’s too late. I’ve already frozen to the spot.

I stand fucking speechless, because right in front of me, I see her. She’s just walked through the double doors, her eyes searching the room warily and I feel my heart plummet to my stomach.

“That's what I needed to talk to you about,” Grimm tells me, and I can’t even throw him the death stare I want to, because I can’t take my fucking eyes off her.

I’m not moving, but she’s definitely getting closer, led by Rogue who position’s her right in front of me.

And I force myself to swallow the lump in my throat.

She looks just as beautiful as I remember, and it pains me to see how nervous she is. Her thick lashes flutter at me, making me I wonder how the hell I managed to stay away from her for so long.

“What's she doing here?” I turn my attention to Rogue. This has got her written all over it. I swear that Grimm’s crazy bitch has no insight into other people’s feelings.

“I shouldn’t have come back.” All the worry in Shaniya’s pretty blue eyes morphs into sadness, and I watch them rapidly fill with tears.

I wanna reach out and grab her, pull her close to me and tell her everything’s gonna be okay. But the words would be empty, because I can’t promise that shit while he’s still out there living. So I don’t, instead, I focus on penetrating all my anger into Rogue.

I’m the lowest form of low, it’s the only way I can be these days, and that’s exactly why this girl should never have come back here. Shaniya wastes no more time on me, turning her back and rushing for the doors. Holding off the urge to run after her is damn near impossible.

“You really are a dick,” Rogue seethes at me before she rushes after her.

“You knew about this?” I flip my anger to Grimm, who nods back at me blankly.

“And you let it happen? What did I fucking tell you, Grimm?” I throw my hands up at him.

“Rogue thought having her here would help you get over whatever you're going through. So do I.” He shrugs at me.

“Her being her ain't gonna help me, killing the man that destroyed her is the only thing that can help me.”

“The only man destroying her right now, is you,” Grimm speaking up like this is real out of character for him, so it shows how strongly he feels about what he’s saying.

“I blame myself every day for what fucking happened.” I get up in his face, because hearing shit like that makes me want to tear off heads.

“What happened to Shaniya wasn't your fault, Troj.” Grimm keeps his composure, despite the fact he knows I’m likely to strike at him at any second. “It’s how you’ve treated her since that’s breaking her.” He pushes me hard in the chest and I stumble backward. “She was the one who actually fucking suffered, Troj, and she’s come back here for you,” his finger digs into my sternum, “to try and help make you feel better,” he prods at me again.

I’m too shocked by his outburst to react to it.

“Maybe you ought to focus on what’s actually important here.” He backs down, slipping his fingers through his slick black hair before he moves out to find Rogue.

“What’s with the Indian chick, she off-limits?” a voice I don’t recognize asks from behind me and when I spin around, one of the Nevada boys is looking at the door hungrily.

“I wouldn’t, pal,” Squeal steps in from nowhere to deal with him before I do, putting himself between us and walking the man back a safe distance away from me.

My chest heaves, and my heart pounds. Having Shaniya here is too much for me to take, I can barely contain my emotions as it is, but now, knowing she’s close again has everything inside me heightened.