Page 65 of Damaged Soul

“Stay out of trouble, I’ll be a few hours.” Grimm grabs my throat and pulls me in for another pussy punishing kiss before he tips his chin at the others and leaves.

“I’ve been claimed now, that means best behavior, right?” I call out after him and wink.

“Damn fucking straight,” he warns, looking back over his shoulder at me sinisterly before he walks out the door.

I don’t want him to go, but this is what Grimm does. These are his people and I can’t have him to myself 24-7 despite how much I want to.

A few hours pass and the girls become more fun once they’ve had a few shots. Maddy even shares some kinky shit about Jessie, which I fully intend to use against him next time we work together.

Nyx and Ella came back to join us eventually, both looking a little flushed, and a lot less tense.

Squealer isn’t such a sex pest now he knows that I’m Grimm’s, and even Brax is friendly toward me once he gets himself cleaned up to rejoin us.

“Did I hear that right?” Brax checks, after his brother tells him he’s gonna be an uncle again and when a nod from them both confirms it, he buries his head in his hand.

“I got a little freaked out by it all at first, but now that we’ve talked about it…” Ella looks across at Nyx and smirks. “It’s gonna be exciting.”

“Can you imagine how cute Dylan’s gonna be with a little brother or sister?” Grace gushes.

“Or a cousin,” Nyx suggests, grinning at his brother and earning himself a scowl.

“We’re enjoying it just being us.” Brax looks up at Grace who’s perched on his lap looking all dreamy.

“For now…” she warns. “You’re on borrowed time, Marshall. Once I’m done studying and setting up the foundation, I’m gonna have a lot of time on my hands.” Brax rolls his eyes at her, but I see the hint of a smile in them when they settle back on her.

“I should get back, Marilyn only came to sit with Dylan so we could tell Dad, I don’t want to take advantage.” Ella gets up ready to leave.

“I’ll come too.” Nyx finishes what’s left of his beer before standing up beside her.

“WHITISH,” Squealer lashes out his arm and cracks an imaginary whip.

“Fuck off, Squeal.” Nyx uses the hand he’s got resting over Ella’s shoulders to flip him off.

“I don’t know what’s happening to you all, these bitches even got our dark prince all tied up in knots now.” Squealer taps his toothpick on the table.

“Might happen to you someday, Squeal.” Brax reaches forward, grabbing a handful of peanuts and emptying them into his mouth, and Grace laughs at his comeback as she tucks herself back under his arm.

“The day you catch me leavin’ this clubhouse before midnight to go home and play happy families, is the day you can put a bullet in my skull. Put me down, brother, my life won’t be worth living.” Squealer slouches back in his chair, placing his feet on the table and folding his arms.

“Your mother must be so proud,” Grace sighs.

“Brax, hush your bitch she’s giving me a headac—” Squealer doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Brax reaches across to grab his leg, lifting it up and tipping him backward in his chair. Carefully sliding Grace off his lap, he stands up and places his boot into Squealer's throat, the smug asshole doesn't even look worried.

“I’ve warned you about disrespecting Gracie.” I wait for a reaction from Squealer, this has the potential to turn into a full-blown fistfight, but instead, he just laughs.

“Cool it,” Jessie warns them both, and Brax retracts his foot and snarls before Squealer gets up and dusts off his cut.

“See what happens to ‘em?” He shrugs at Troj. “Cunt struck. These bitches are taking us out one by one. Grimm’s just the latest man to fall.”

“Why do you have such a problem with people being happy with each other?” I ask, because I’m curious and I can’t keep my mouth shut.

“Ain’t got a problem, darlin’, just think it’s a shame these boys ain’t embracing the facilities we got here anymore.”

“Facilities?” I sit back and get ready to judge this asshole.

“Us single brothers get variety, we get performance, and with none of the drama.”

“Here we go again.” Jessie slouches back and sighs, this must be a speech he’s heard before.