Page 7 of Damaged Soul

“You’re the one who likes cleaning up, right?” The sweet voice distracts me from my assessment of the room, and I follow the blood-smeared trail on the carpet to a set of hot pink painted toes.

I raise my eyes up the slender, milky-colored legs to her cut-off denim shorts and a white tank top that’s soaked with blood.

Rogue’s pale skin is marred with crimson freckles. There’s a long smear of blood on her left cheek which looks like it’s been made by a finger, and she’s wearing the most haunting smile on her lips.

My cock likes what I’m seeing far too much to be discreet about it.

“I made a start.” She runs her blood drenched hand through her ice blonde hair, streaking the strands, before she twists a lock of it around her fingertip like she suddenly became shy or somethin’.

Another look around the room has me wondering if she’s seeing the same scene as I am. Shock can do crazy shit to a person.

“Where’s the body?” I ask cautiously, she probably ain’t in the right frame of mind, there’s no guessing what she might do next.

“Grimm, ain't it?” She ignores my question, holding out her blood contaminated hand like she actually expects me to shake it. I stare at it for a while, then look up at her like she’s fucking crazy.

“Oops, sorry.” Her giggle travels straight to my dick, and I watch in disgust as she attempts to clean her palm by rubbing it on her shorts before she holds it out again.

Her cuteness seems so genuine that I have to question her sanity. When I shake my head at her, she shrugs and casually steps aside for me. It allows me to continue following the bloody trail to where a body lays.

“Fucker managed to crawl himself that far,” she says, stepping over the average-sized male corpse that’s lying face down in front of us. A pool of syrup thick blood already congealed beneath it.

I nod my head while trying to pull together a plan of action. I’ve seen much worse, but never by the hands of someone so small. I can’t help being impressed.

“He made the mistake of putting me in a position where it was him or me… I chose me,” she explains looking down at him, and when her head tips sideways and she releases that adorable giggle again, my cock twitches.

“I gotta ask you some questions.” I pull my bandana down. “I get that you’re in shock, but you need to answer them as accurately as possible.”

“Sure.” Rogue looks up from the body, all wide-eyed and happy to assist.

“Okay…” I clear my throat and try to fucking focus. “Do you know who this guy is?”

Rogue nods, that deadly sweet smile still set firm on her lips.

“Did anyone other than you know that he was here?”

She lifts her shoulders as if I just asked her for the fuckin’ time.

Not fucking helpful.

“Did he touch anything while he was here?”

“Yep, me…” She leans her body over the dead corpse that’s between us, so I can hear her whisper, “That’s the part that got him dead.” She winks.


I breathe slowly through my nose, trying to blank all the dark thoughts from my conscience and calm my cock.

“What did you use?” It’s getting real hard to distract myself from the tiny red speckles on her tits.

“Oh yeah…” She leaves me standing in the hall, and returns a few seconds later clutching a machete almost the same size as she is.

“Skid gave it me.” She smiles proudly as she holds it out to me.

“That what you had on when it happened?” I point my head at the blood drenched clothes she’s wearing, pulling out a roll of trash bags from my back pocket. Rogue drops her eyes, assessing the state she’s in, and then beams back at me with her crystal blue eyes.

“Okay.” Tearing a bag off the roll, I shake it open and hold it out. “You're gonna need to put those, and your weapon in there,” I tell her, and when she takes it from my hands, I kneel to the floor and start unpacking some equipment from my duffel.

“These carpets are gonna have to come…” the rest of my sentence gets caught around my tongue when I look up and realize she’s standing in her underwear. She must pick up on my shock ‘cause she does the fucking giggly thing again, she can sense my awkwardness and she’s getting a kick out of it.