Page 41 of Damaged Soul

Feeling the rage calm, and my body take on a new kinda buzz, Rogue watches me from the end of the bar. Clearly getting her own high out of the effect she’s having on me.

The night goes on and I drink more whiskey and snort more blow. Rogue purposely makes nice with all the other brothers, glancing over at me every once and a while, waiting for me to snap. She doesn’t know that I’m the master of my control. That I’ve spent the past nine years practicing self-restraint.

“Hey, don’t I know you from somewhere?” one of the hangouts calls over at her from across the bar, and I notice how she looks a little less confident when she sees him.

Shaking her head, she quickly gets back to serving.

“Yeah, I do. You used to work out at The Orchid Lounge.” The guy isn’t giving in, and I can see Rogue getting increasingly frustrated. She leaves the bar to go pick up some glasses, and when she comes back and places a load on the bar, the fucker goes too far and puts his hands on her.

His hand wraps around her wrist, forcing her back tight onto his body. The glass I’m holding is close to shattering in the fist I make around it, and my blood flushing past my ears dulls out any music. She struggles to get free from him and shakes her head at whatever he’s whispering inside her ear. When she does manage to wriggle herself free, she immediately gets back to work.

“Ain't nothing but a cheap slut anyway,” he yells out at her, and the insult forces me up off my stool.

The cunt doesn’t see me coming, and I grab the back of his head and slam it down hard into the bar, all the empty glasses Rogue has picked up smash, and I feel their sharp shards cut into my knuckles. When I pull his head back up, I decide he isn’t bleeding enough, so I slam it back into the bed of broken glass. I hold him down until he begs, then I add a little bit more pressure to the palm that’s keeping him pinned before I wrench him back up again.

“Apologize,” I order. Rogue is staring right at us, her mouth open, and her pretty blue eyes wide.

“I… I’m sorry,” he stutters, sounding as sincere as a man can when his face is shredded to pieces. Releasing him, I look around at the mess I’ve made, then narrow my eyes at Rogue before I get the hell out of there.

Once outside, I suck in the fresh air, hoping it might extinguish the fire in my chest. My fists are stiff balls of tension. I’m not nearly finished with that asshole back inside but I also suspect that had I stayed any longer, I would have killed him.

“Hey, what was all that shit about?” Troj chases out after me, and I shrug him off when he places a hand on my shoulder. I don’t offer him any answers, just stare into the flames that are dancing from the fire pit. Troj joins me in the silence. Patiently waiting for me to be ready with an explanation.

“He called her a slut,” I growl after some time has passed. “Rogue ain't no fuckin’ slut. I don’t know who he is, but I never wanna see him around here again.”

“Chill, man, he ain’t no one, just a dumb hangout. Squealer and Screwy are seeing him on his way now.”

Right on cue, the club doors burst open and the mouthy prick's body gets launched outside, followed by the temper twins who each take their turn to kick him in the ribs.

“Don’t think he’ll be showing his face around here anytime soon.” Troj laughs as we watch the fucker scurry onto his feet and get into his car. I doubt he’s in any fit state to drive, I really fucked up his face. I’m surprised he can even see. Still, I guess he’d rather take his chances than stick around here, and his wheels skid up the gravel as he speeds off.

“Take it easy, brother.” Troj pats my back, before heading back inside and grabbing himself one of the girls that are hanging around by the door watching the latest drama. He drapes his arm over her shoulder and whispers something to her that makes her giggle.

The flames enchant me, somehow managing to ease the loud thumping in my head. I watch the hot flickers grow, thinking how they have the potential to do so much damage if uncontrolled.

“That was really sweet, what ya did back there,” Rogue’s voice interrupts my thoughts, causing my heart rate to automatically pick back up again.

“I wasn’t gonna have him talk to you like that.” I keep my focus on the flames and the pile of ash that’s building beneath them. Too fucking scared to look at her.

“Take me home, Grimm.” She stands her body in front of mine and holds out her hand. I dare myself to look up at her, and when I do, I realize she’s lost all her sass. Her eyes hold a calm I’ve never seen there before, and taking her hand in mine, I let her pull me onto my feet, really enjoying the smiles she makes for me. When I lead her over to my bike, I don’t give a fuck who’s around to see when I put her on the back of it. Then I take a steady ride back up to my cabin, where I know I can have her all to myself.

“You want something to eat?” she asks me, heading straight for the kitchen. I ignore her question, sliding a hand through my hair and taking a seat on the couch. I can’t fucking eat, not while I’m so wound up. I’m far too angry to think about food. She shrugs back at me and potters around my kitchen looking for something to do with herself.

“Why d’you do it?” I speak the question that’s in my head out loud. Then I turn my head to look at her when I realize that I have to know the answer.

“Why?” I repeat.

She raises her shoulders like it’s no big deal. But it ain’t good enough.

“I saw that what that guy said hurt you… But the way you act, the way you crave attention, Rogue… Guys are gonna be thinking they can treat you that way.”

“Were you jealous of the way they watched me?” She ignores my question and steps closer. Starting to sway her hips the same way she had on the club stage, her focus is all on me and I like how it feels, even if it is a torture. She slowly undoes the buttons of my shirt that she’s wearing, and after she takes it off, she tosses it onto my lap. I grab it in my fist and stand so my body is flush to hers, and then I look down my nose into those desperate, pretty eyes.

“Maybe if you stop acting like you’re worthless, Rogue, you might start to see yourself a little better.” I crush my shirt tight into her body, then back away from her and head to the bathroom. I need to lock myself away from her. Her naked skin is far to fuckin’ tempting.

“And what if that’s exactly what I am, Grimm? Worthless,” she calls out after me,

“We both know that ain’t true…” I don’t turn around, just slam the door behind me.