Page 39 of Damaged Soul

I nod my head sleepily, I believe her, and I can’t wait. Maybe I can help her make things better. I’m already big enough to do chores around the house.

I let my eyes close and my mind be free because I have my mama here with me and one day, she’s gonna make things better for us.

That night was the last time I ever heard her voice. The next morning I found her note. It said that she didn’t love Daddy anymore and that one day she’d be back for me.

But she never did come back, and Daddy lost his mind.

He got worse. Stopped going to work, his friends came over more often and he took more of the stuff that makes him sleep. Uncle Nick told me that Mama had a sickness. That what she needed, Daddy couldn’t give her any more, and not to get my hopes up on her coming back for me.

I should have listened to him because he was right. I did some research a few years ago. Police had found her body when they raided a crack den a few miles outta town. I hadn’t seen her in eleven years, and all that time she’d been so close. Not once had she ever thought to check in on me.

Sure, my dad may not be perfect, but at least he didn’t abandon me. Not by choice anyway.

I pull the letter outta my pocket and take another look at it. I could ask Grimm to take me, but that would raise questions. It’s kinda ironic that I don’t like the idea of that, considering the lengths I’m going through to uncover his family secrets.

Everyone has skeletons in their closets, last thing I want is to be letting him in on any more of mine.

“What’s taking so long?” Thorne’s voice comes from the front door. I spin around, quickly shoving the visiting order back inside my pocket.

Thorne’s looking impatient. It’s a good look on him.

“I’m all done.” I lift my bag of clothes off the floor, and give him a wide smile as I walk past the kitchen and grab the box of kitchen equipment I’m taking back.

Being the gentleman that he is, Thorne takes the box out of my hands and looks a little surprised after he’s looked at its contents.

“You try mashing potatoes with a fork,” I tell him, and he shakes his head and huffs a laugh at me.

“What’s so funny?”

“Just never had you down as the domesticated type,” he grins.

Thorne’s a real handsome guy, in a hot, daddy fetish kinda way. With his grey hair and matching stubble, I imagine he could do some real damage to a girl’s heart.

“Far from it. But a girl's gotta survive.” I lift the wooden rolling pin out of the box and hold it up in front of him. He stares it up and down with a smirk, and after I drop it back into the box, he follows me back out to the truck.

“Skid, you’re on speakerphone." Prez places the phone down on the table in front of him while we all sit in our seats and listen.

“Good, Jessie, I got another job for your girl,” Skid’s voice booms out from the speaker. “I’ve done some digging of my own on the guys in the picture. Turns out they’re cookin’. Not in Manitou Springs so technically it ain’t our business. But I figure since one of them showed up on Rogue’s doorstep…

“It makes it our problem, brother,” Prez interrupts, to remind him that just because he ain't sitting in his chair, doesn’t mean he ain’t still a part of this fucked up family.

“She ain’t helping though, Skid. Whatever her involvement is with these men, she’s keeping her cards tight to her chest.”

“Talkin’ ain’t her style.” I hear the snigger in Skid’s voice, and not one of us sat around this table don’t wish he weren’t here so we could see it.

“Jess, can you ask Mads to check out the address for me? I also got a cell number on one of their dealers. I’ll message it though,” he adds.

“On it,” Jessie promises. “We’ll be in touch soon as Maddy has more information. In the meantime, if you need anything…”

“I know, and I appreciate,” Skid says before hanging up the phone.

“Jessie, you stick with Maddy, I wanna know as soon as she gets a trace on that cell number. Grimm, you did good on that job for the Russians yesterday. How did our new Prospect deal?”

“Let’s just say shiftin’ stiff ain’t his forte.” I light up a smoke and smirk to myself when I recall him throwing up on the whole journey back from Denver. I never did make it to Lincoln with the others, a job came up that required my expertise and since we’re all about keeping the Russians happy these days, it took priority.

“Somebody must have really fucked you up.” Squealer looks at me and shakes his head just before Prez slams down the gavel.

We all make our way outta church, and straight to the bar. I notice that the garage is closed now, and I hope Rogue is in my cabin. I take a seat beside Tac and Thorne at the bar and Storm places a bottle of bud in front of me.