Page 108 of Damaged Soul

“The happiest I’ve ever been,” she tells me reassuringly. Looking at her, I wonder how anyone could have ever hurt her, especially her own father. I cup my hand between her legs and give her some friction, those big bright eyes of hers sparkle for me and her lips pull up into a teasing smirk.

“Get a fucking room,” Squealer calls over from the table where he’s sitting.

Rogue takes her attention away from me for a second to give him the finger.

“Come on, let's go back to our cabin. I ain’t giving him a private show.” She practically drags me away from the bar and toward the door.

“And that’s the thanks I get for taking a bullet for you,” Squealer calls out after us.

“Fuck off,” we both shout over our shoulders in unison, as we walk out into the yard.

I’ll never tell Rogue that I visited her father today, or that I’m gonna make sure he suffers every day that he remains on this earth for what he did to her. But that will be the only secret I ever keep from her.

Rogue accepts all the fucked up parts of me, in fact, she embraces them. She’s taught me how to live.

I don’t fear what comes next for us, because our damaged souls are already broken, and what’s already broken can't break.

“Apologies for dragging you all here so early.” I light up a smoke, toss the match, and look at all the tired faces in front of me as I take a long drawback. “Something’s been brought to my attention that requires some urgency.”

Jessie knows what I’m about to share, and I can tell by the look on his face that he’s worried about it.

“We all know about the new threat.” My eyes fall on Squealer, who's still healing, he’s pissed that his injury has been slowing him down around here.

“Turns out, Ivan’s silence over the past few weeks hasn’t been a sign of him backing off.

He’s been scheming, lying low, and coming up with a legitimate way to screw us… Looks like he’s found it.” I reach under the table and grab the cardboard tube before slamming it on the table. Troj is the first one to grab it. He pops the top off and pulls out the plans from inside, before he lays them out and starts to check them out.

What he’s looking at is a building proposal for over a hundred houses.

“What’s this got to do with us?” He looks up to ask me. And I slap another piece of paper on top. Then watch my Sergeant in Arms, the calmest guy I got, tense up with anger.

“That’s Cheyanne land,” he points out, his eyes shifting around the table to check the reaction of his brothers.

“Maddy’s been keeping track of anything that’s got Ivan’s name attached to it. He’s proposing that the state own the land, not the Indians, and he wants to buy it and build on it. He knows what that would mean for the club.”

“The Cheyenne have lived there for hundreds of years, he can’t just roll into town and tell them that land ain't theirs,” Troj intervenes, seeming to get more and more irate with the evidence in front of him. Since when was he so fucking cultured on Native American history?

“Turns out he’s got a solid case, Mads hacked his lawyer’s IP. There ain't no written evidence of the land ever belonging to them. The state could claim it if they see it as being profitable,” Jessie adds, stubbing out his smoke and slumping back in his chair, my VP is usually the one with all the answers but he ain’t got shit on this.

“We gotta stop this from happening,” Troj slams his palm hard on the table, making me wonder what the hell's gotten into him. Troj is known around here for his laid-back attitude. Even when he’s got a fight coming up, he never loses his shit like this.

“Well if anyone’s got any ideas, now’s the time to speak the fuck up.” I reach forward to put out my smoke.

“Supposing he proves the land is the state’s, what’s to stop us going in with a higher offer? We’ve wanted passage through the land for years. Surely someone can be bribed?” Nyx suggests, and all eyes go immediately to Thorne. He’s the money man, he deals with club profits and all our businesses.

Thorne shakes his head gravely. “Funds are stable but ain't no way we could afford that amount of land, not when we’re up against Ivan and money ain't an issue for him.”

“Then have Jessie’s bitch get her hands dirty, she can tap into some accounts, move some money around. She proved that when she worked for the Bastards, right?” Squealer's clever mouth runs off again and Jessie is already up and on his feet, rounding the table to get to him.

Troj stands up and manages to block him.

“Calm down, man, we need your head in this,” he tells him sternly.

“Mads ain't doing anything that’s gonna get her put in jail, and don’t you ever mention Bastards and her name in the same sentence again.” Jessie pushes against Troj’s shoulder and points his finger at Squealer. I glance over to Brax, who I know will be thinking the same as me. Maddy got deeper connections with the Bastards than anyone else here knows about. Maddy herself doesn’t know that the Bastards’ ex-president was her father and if Jessie’s got anything to do with it, that’s exactly how it’s gonna stay.

Standing up, I move to rest my hand on Jessie’s shoulder.

“And the club wouldn’t expect her to,” I assure him calmly.