Page 101 of Damaged Soul

“Well, her name’s Evangeline…”

“Okay, okay. I’m coming. I throw on one of Grimm's T-shirts and rush to answer the door. Whoever it is ain’t giving up. And when I fling the door open with my usual attitude, my heart breaks when I see Skid standing in front of me.

He looks shattered, angry, and sad all at the same time and I throw my arms around his neck and take comfort in him being back.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks me sternly, his hold on me almost crushing.

“I didn’t want Grimm to tell you.” I pull back and look down at my shoes like I’m being scolded.

“I knew you had it rough, but if I’d have known…”

“I know, and I love you for that, but I didn't want it. I was trying to keep my family together. I realize now how foolish I was now, but I can’t take it back, and neither can you. So we just have to heal. Both of us.”

“My god, girl, you’re a pain in my ass.” He tugs me back in for another hug, and I feel him wipe his eyes with the hand that’s wrapped around my shoulder.

I knew Grimm would have to tell him and the others about what happened to me as a kid. But that doesn’t make it any easier. I’m gonna hate the way everyone around here is gonna look at me from now on. I just want to go back to being me. Forget all the nasty shit. I just hope Grimm’s stuck to his word and hasn’t told Skid about Chop. That one, I want to be taken to the grave.

“I’m coming home. I’m gonna help Grimm take care of you, and start pulling my weight at the garage again. Hell, Rogue, if you can get over what’s happened to you, I’ve sure as hell gotta try too.” I feel the huge smile lift my cheeks and I don’t even try to hide it from him. “But you gotta promise me something…” he looks at me sternly. “No more shutting me out. You’re more than just the crazy girl that works in the garage, now. You’re family and you gotta start embracing that shit.”

“Did ya hear that I’m Grimm's old lady now?” I can’t believe how pathetically proud I sound saying that.

“Yeah, I heard.”

“And did you make him suffer the ‘hurt her and I kill you’ lecture?” I ask intrigued.

“Do I need to?” He cocks one of his thick, dark brows at me and it feels so good to have him back.

“Everyone here's gonna hate me. I kinda caused a war. I’ve put their old ladies at risk, and you know how touchy they get about that shit.” I roll my eyes like it doesn’t matter, when in reality it really does. If I’ve learned anything over the past few weeks it’s that these people are good. Maddy, Ella, and Gracie may all be a little square for my liking, but they tolerate me and for that, I have to give them some credit.

“Nah, I just come outta church, you didn’t cause a war, Rogue, you alerted us to something that would have become a huge problem if it had flown under the radar for much longer. Ivan has a much bigger crew than just the assholes we put out. He’s clever and, more worrying, he’s got a good legitimate profile under his belt. Now I ain’t saying that they're all too happy about how you handled the situation, but they won’t hold no grudge.”

“Was Grimm at church? He got called out last night and hasn’t come home yet.”

“Yeah, he’s just talking with Prez and Roswell, they’re figuring out how to handle the mess at the farm.”

“So we have time for some breakfast?” I relax, knowing that Grimm’s okay.

“Yeah, we got time.” Skid smiles at me.

It’s a whole hour before Grimm comes home, and I don’t give a shit if it makes Skid feel uncomfortable when I run to him and leap onto his body, wrapping my legs around his waist. He clearly doesn’t care either, because he kisses me the same way he does when he’s fucking me.

A fake cough from Skid pulls us apart.

“Where were you? I got worried,” I ask Grimm before he gets mad at Skid.

“There was some shit at the home last night with my mama,” he explains, and I note how Skid looks confused. Grimm doesn’t talk about his mama to anyone.

“It’s dealt with now. Roswell’s taking care of the farm situation. But this Ivan’s a sly fucker. I don’t like it one bit, Skid.” Grimm places me back onto my feet and throws Skid a worried look.

“So what you're saying is that I’m still not safe.” I sigh.

“What we’re saying is, you're gonna keep low for a while until we figure out what this guy’s about, and then run him out of town. It shouldn’t be a problem for ya. You got him and the garage all on your doorstep,” Skid smirks

“And now I got you too. How lucky can one girl get?” I kiss Grimm on the cheek then skip over to plant one on Skid too.

“You're taking a few days off,” he orders, picking up his keys from the table and passing Grimm on his way to let himself out; he slaps him in the back.

“Look after our girl,” he tells him.