Page 88 of Damaged Soul

Nick's smile grows wider, and the nasty glint in his eye suggests what's coming next is gonna be brutal.

“You are a thick little slut, aren’t ya?” The delight on his face makes me want to tear it off with my teeth.

I swear to God, if they’ve managed to hurt him I will make their deaths slow.

“Your daddy had a habit that he couldn’t keep up with. He was always begging for one more hit that he couldn’t afford. And so he gave us the only thing he had…”

I gasp in horror and Nick leans down to whisper in my ear.

“He sold you over and over for a high, sweetheart.”

“That’s not true,” I shake my head, refusing to believe the vile spew that's coming from his mouth. My dad had a problem, there was no denying that, but he would never have used me. He loved me.

“You seem upset, it’s a shame Derek ain’t here to see those pretty tears, he tells me no one’s taste quite as bitter as yours.” I shift in the chair and try to lash out at him. But I’m bound too tight.

“You better hope whoever your friend is, gets here before the Dirty Souls do,” I warn him because it’s the only way I can hurt him right now. I’m tied, and helpless and I hate it.

“My dear sweet girl, you have no one to protect you here, just like you didn’t have anyone back then.”

He slumps down on the couch opposite me and pulls a baggy from his pocket. Then dipping his finger inside, he snorts the white powder right off his fingertip.

“You want some?” He shakes the bag at me teasingly. “You know what it’ll cost ya,” he chuckles, dipping in for a second helping. I think about how I might kill him. Smashing his head through the TV screen would be a good start.

I think about Grimm, and how we left each other on an argument this morning. Maybe now’s the time to admit that he’d been right.

Maddy’s hands feel like heavy weights on my shoulder, and the room around me starts spinning. Rogue is in danger, most of all to herself. She’s out there and I have no way of finding her. I can’t even get Mads to track her damn cell phone because she’s left it behind. I can hear my heartbeat thumping in my ears, feel my blood burning as it rushes under my skin, and I want to tear into it and rip out my pulse.

“Grimm, you're panicking. I need you to breathe.” Maddy’s right, I can feel myself losing it, and if there’s any chance of me getting to Rogue I’m gonna have to pull myself together.

“Grimm, breathe…” she repeats, and I try sucking in air, but fail. “Jessie, you need to get up here now, I’m in Grimm's cabin.”

Maddy crouches on the floor in front of me. “We’ll find her, Grimm, but you have to calm down. I promise we’re gonna find her.” I try inhaling through my nostrils and find it a little easier.

“That’s better. Keep breathing.” She breathes with me, slowly and calmly, and I try to focus on pulling the next one in with her.

“What’s goin’ on?” I hear Jessie’s voice as he storms through my cabin, and the way Maddy looks up at him proves that, despite her calmness, she’s worried too.

“Rogue’s gone,” she explains, keeping her voice steady.

“Fuck!” Jessie must kick or punch something because I hear wood splinter behind me.

“Grimm.” He takes Maddy’s place in front of me, his hand reaching out for my shoulder before he thinks better of it and pulls it back. “Look, brother, we need you here with us if we’re gonna find her. You got any idea where she might have gone?”

I shake my head, feeling worse than fuckin’ useless.

“We had a fight, she took her gun,” I manage, the buzzing in my head is preventing me from thinking straight.

“And you’ve got no idea where she might have gone?” he asks again.

“You think I’d be fuckin’ sitting here if I did?” I snap.

“I’ll call Storm and have him ride over to her place.” Maddy leaves the room with her cell already pressed against her ear.

“I’m gonna call Prez. You get yourself together, Grimm.” Jessie stands up and shuts the door after him. Leaving me alone. I focus on breathing, instead of trying to tear my hair outta my scalp. I count down from ten, and slowly all the static inside my head seems to ease up a little.

I go up to her bedside table and rip through her drawer trying to find some clue to where she might be. When I find nothing, I go through the rest of her shit, and then the rest of the cabin.

“Church… you okay to ride?” Jessie's eyes nearly bulge out his head when he comes in from the decking and takes in all the mess around me.