Page 69 of Damaged Soul

“So where are we goin’?” Grimm asks after we’ve eaten and I’m leading him out to his bike.

“We’re going to the park,” I announce, watching his expression turn horrified.

“The park?” he checks, looking confused as he climbs on and takes his handlebars.

“Yes, Grimm, the park,” I confirm, hopping on the saddle behind him and clinging to his waist.

When we arrive at the park, I’ll admit Grimm looks a little out of place, but with his hands tight in his pockets and a scowl on his face, he follows me through the gates until I find us the perfect spot.

Some families look like they’re set up for the day and there's a group of older kids playing soccer, but it’s not too busy. Luckily the grass is dry, so I lie out flat on my back and pat the space beside me.

“Lay down.” Grimm looks around us, and his cheeks flush with color.

“Rogue, there are kids here, I don’t think we should be…”

I interrupt him with a loud giggle.

“Just lay down. You’ll see what I mean.” I sit up and drag on his arm, forcing him down beside me, and when his head is resting beside mine, I loop my fingers through his and stare up at the sky.

“Tell me what you see.” I suck the fresh air into my lungs. It feels good to be away from the compound, just the two of us.

“I see the sky… Rogue, what is this all about?”

“You're not looking properly, look again.”

Grimm makes an impatient huff before focusing his attention above us.

“Okay, I see blue sky and clouds.”

“Yes, you do.” I smile. “And that’s because you have no imagination.”

“Did Squealer or Tac give you something this morning?” Grimm turns his head to me, and I roll my eyes at his accusation.

“Let me tell you what I see.” I look back up at the sky. “Over there, I see an elephant.” I point to the fluffy cloud that’s floating above us.

“A what?”

“An elephant. Look closer.”

“That’s not an elephant. It’s a… Well, I don’t know what it is, but it ain’t a fucking elephant,” he argues.

“Now that over there…” Grimm points to the cloud above it. “That’s a pterodactyl.”

“You’re getting it.” I nudge him in the ribs. “Though I’d argue that’s more like a Concorde.”

“Check out ya elephant, it’s shifted into some kinda demon, you see the horns?” he sniggers at me, and I roll on to my side so I can watch him.

“Trust you to find the devil in cloud watching.” I laugh, and he laughs too. It feels fucking warm inside me, and for the first time in my life, I want to cry over something that makes me happy.

“Check out that one, it looks like a side profile of Marilyn.” Grimm lifts up the hand that's holding mine so he can point.

“She would not love you for that.”

I press a kiss on his cheek because I can’t resist. Then after I snuggle under his arm, we carry on watching the clouds pass over our heads.

I buy us a hotdog from the vendor, loading them up with onions and hot sauce. We people watch, making up crazy stories about the ordinary people who pass us. Then we get ice-cream and look for more images in the sky. I fall asleep with my head on his lap, the sun heating my face, and his fingers stroking through my hair.

I don’t know how long I’m out for before he stirs me awake, but when I open my eyes, the park is almost empty and the vendors are packing away.