Page 56 of Damaged Soul

“So what’s your favorite childhood memory?” she asks, trying to distract me with more small talk.

“I don’t have any,” I answer bluntly. It’s the truth, all my memories as a child are plagued, and I hate the way she looks back at me so pitifully.

Her dainty foot slides over my leg and touches over my groin. I should shift away from her, but I remain still. Testing myself as her foot rotates small agonizing circles, that make me grow rigid beneath it. She thinks she’s winning, I can tell from the wicked smile she shoots me when I turn my head to face her.

Denim is all that separates my cock from the delicate soles of her feet, and trying to stop myself from rocking back against her is like trying to hold back the force of a tsunami.

"Why don’t you play along, Grimm?" She purposely takes one of her fingernails between her teeth and stares me straight in the eye. "Just once," she whispers.

My fingers grip tight around her ankle, and I torture myself a little further by pressing it tighter against my solid cock… just for a second.

She’s wrong to think it could ever be just once with her.

Take her now, take her forever. I’d never want to let her go.

I look down to where my tattooed fingers squeeze into her pale skin, and I don’t know who the fuck I am anymore. Not when all my mind is thinking about is raising her foot to my mouth and sucking at each one of her perfectly set toes.

"Don’t," I warn, tensing my grip, she feels so fragile in my hand. I could so easily make it snap.

She’d never be able to run from me then.

I shake that thought away before it can progress, this is why I can’t let her get close. I’ve already gone too far with her. I shouldn’t have kissed her. I definitely shouldn't have done it a second time, but the temptation to taste her was too much, especially after she’d come so beautifully for me.

Pushing her foot away, I go to stand up, but Rogue moves quicker. Placing her body between my legs, her tight stomach now occupying the spot her foot had left. I flick my eyes down to where her fingers skim across the hem of my T-shirt, I can’t help but suck in a breath as they slowly creep lower to tease the skin beneath my waistband.

I’m giving her too much, letting her push too far. But her skin on mine feels too fucking good to reject.

"Rogue," I warn, shutting my eyes. Maybe if I don’t look at her, I’ll find more strength.

"You want me." She slides her body up over mine until her lips touch my ear. It’s not a question, it’s a statement, a fucking accurate one. I feel her hand dip lower into my jeans. "Your cock tells me so." Her voice sounds so sweet, almost fucking innocent, but I know better. Rogue knows exactly what she’s doing and she won't stop until she gets what she wants.

It shocks me when her fingers grip my shaft, and I snap my eyes open and stand up with such force that it causes her to fall backward. She quickly recovers, resting on her knees. The way she looks up at me, her eyes on mine, so wide and so desperate makes me want to give up the fight and make her mine.

Rogue offering herself out to me like this, being so submissive, it’s dangerous for her. And it’s lethal for me. How easy would it be to let her have her way? To take out my cock and fill her mouth, feel it touch the back of her throat, and make her gag while my hand cradles her pretty little throat.

She thinks she’s so tough, but in reality, she’s exquisitely fragile. She’s showing me that I have the power to ruin her, to break her spirit and turn her into a groveling wreck. The thought churns my stomach, but at the same time it stiffens my cock, and that’s the evidence that he’s still here, living inside me.

"No." I find the willpower to slam my hand over hers, and at that moment all innocence vanishes from her eyes, hatred settling in its place.

"Then I'm done here," she snarls, scrambling up from her knees and looking at me like I’ve suddenly become her enemy.

"What do you mean you’re done here?" I snigger back at her. She’s got no place else to go. She’s trapped at the club because of her own rebellious actions, and tonight, courtesy of the storm outside, she’s trapped in my cabin too.

"I mean, I'm done with you. I've been trying, Grimm… trying so hard to figure out what the fuck this is between us. But there's only so many times you can knock a girl down before she stops bouncing back at ya.”

She starts heading for the door. Outside, the wind has really picked up, and when she pulls it open the thing swings open with such force that it hits the wall as the storm blows inside.

The wind feels even stronger than it sounds. It whips around the cabin and blows rain inside, creating a small puddle at her feet.

"Don't be ridiculous, get back here." I reach out to her but she throws my hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me, you think I'm scared of a little storm, Grimm? I’m not afraid of anything. I'd rather take my chances out there than stay here a second longer with you." Her words bite worse than the chill she's letting in, and before I have a chance to try and form any kinda response, she disappears out the door into the night.

There’s no doubt that I’m gonna run after her. Storms like this one are dangerous, especially up here on the mountain. Wind speeds are fast, and there’s no shortage of trees around to be brought down by them. Just the thought of her getting hurt makes something dig sharp in my chest.

I struggle to see more than inches in front of my face as the rain pelts unforgivingly against my eyes, and soaks through the flimsy T-shirt I’m wearing.

“Rogue, get back here,” I yell against the wind, and despite the fact it makes my throat raw, I can barely hear myself.