Page 55 of Damaged Soul

“And who’s gonna protect you?” I slide my hand down his arm and link my fingers between his, I’m pleasantly surprised when his fingers separate and he accepts them. Relief swarms my chest and despite his face still looking angry, I feel victorious.

“Let me stay with you, we can take care of each other,” I whisper, bracing myself for the harsh blow of his rejection, but the small defeated nod he gives me back puts a smile on my face instead. I forget myself for just a moment and plant a celebratory kiss against his cheek.

“I’ll cook us something now before the power goes out,” I tell him, almost skipping back into the kitchen. When I glance back out at him, I notice how his fingers trace over the spot where my lips had pressed.

“So, what’s your magic number?” I ask, settling beside him and curling up my legs on the couch. We’ve eaten, the kitchen is tidy and we’re ready to ride out a storm together. At the moment we still have power, but if the storm’s as bad as they say it'll be, there will come a point where we’ll have to make our own entertainment.

“I ain't telling you that,” he shakes his head, keeping his eyes fixed on the TV. It’s constantly lagging with interference from outside. Only a matter of time before we lose signal all together.

“Come on, don’t be boring, I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” I nudge at his ribs playfully.

“Rogue…” he warns

“Mine’s stuck on two for now, but I can’t promise there won’t be more.” Winking, I try to pick up the mood. Grimm seems surprised but irritated at my answer, and I prepare for him to put my total to shame.

“I don’t keep count of the women I fuck,” he bites back sharply, making me throw my head back and laugh.

“Relax, I wasn’t talking about your conquests, Casa fuckin’ Nova. I wanna know how many you’ve…” Drawing a line across my throat with my finger, I fake a choking noise.

Grimm shakes his head, shifting off the couch, and making his way over to the refrigerator.

“Come on, I told you mine, you gotta tell me yours now, that’s the rule of the game.”

“I never agreed to play no game,” he points out, grabbing a beer and slamming the door shut.

“Tell me, please,” I beg, turning my body round to face his. I then sit up on my knees and rest my stomach against the back of the couch.

“Okay, you wanna play truth?” He twists the lid off his bottle and tosses it expertly into the trash. “Why are you lying about knowing those men?”

I chew my lip while I try to come up with a response. I really wasn’t expecting this.

“Come on, Rogue, play the game. What’s so important that you’d risk your life?”

“Those men are nobodies, I don’t know anything about them,” I lie.

“Bullshit.” Grimm points the neck of his bottle at me before he drinks from it, then steps up to the back of the couch so his chest is flush with mine.

“I don’t play games, Rogue, and I don’t tolerate lies. So unless you want to turn me into someone you won’t like, I suggest you quit.”

I got no come back to that, and I turn back around to face the TV again. It’s gone completely blank now, all signal lost to the storm.

I don’t want to lie to Grimm, but I can’t tell him the truth.

Spending time with Anita has taught me how to pretend too. I get to be the girl that I might have become if all the nasty shit hadn’t happened to me when I’m with her. It’s kinda like therapy I guess, I always feel a little lighter after living in her world for a few hours, even after I come back to the real world.

As the night draws in, so does the silence. The storm grows stronger outside, and so does the intensity between me and Grimm. I play some lame assed game on my phone to distract myself, while Grimm just stares at the blank TV screen.

Living with Grimm has turned me into some kinda freak, just him holding my hand earlier had sent my pussy into overdrive. I want him when we’re apart, and I want him even more when we’re together.

I don’t know how long I can go on getting nothing back from him. Especially when I know that deep down he wants it too.

I sense him watching me sometimes, feel how tight he clings to me whenever I get a bad dream, and tonight, I see the perfect opportunity to push his limits and ensure I get what I want.

Arguing with Rogue is a pointless exercise. Rogue does what Rogue wants to do. But at least being up here with me means she isn’t down there with them.

That’s why I let her stay, despite knowing that she’s doing it out of torment.

She thinks she’s being sly when her leg gradually stretches out toward mine, and from the corner of my eye, I see her watching, waiting for my reaction. I’m not about to let her see that what she’s doing to me is driving me fucking insane.