Page 47 of Damaged Soul

“Where ya think you’re goin’?” Troj stands up and blocks her path to the door.

“To numb out the pain.”

“Not a chance.” He stands firm in front of her.

“Out of my way. You can’t stop me from leaving. It's against my human rights for you to keep me here.” I can’t help wanting to give the girl a hail fucking Mary for that one, but I sense the seriousness of the situation would make that inappropriate.

“If you're thinking of picking yourself up a fix…” I head over, nudging Troj out the way. “…You don’t need to leave the compound to do that. There’s heaps of shit around here.”

“Rogue.” Maddy bleats out my name like a nagging goat.

“If you think that getting high is gonna make all this go away then have at it.” I’ve got the girl’s attention now, her eyes seem a little less manic and her fingers have stopped scratching at her arm.

“But, there will still be a time when you crawl down from that high. Danny will still be dead, and the reality of that is gonna hit ya all over again,” I assure her, watching as her bottom lip starts to tremble.

“I love him. He loved me. He told me. He promised he was gonna come back for me. That’s why I’ve been straight. It’s been hard, I’ve had to fight so damn hard, but I did it for him.” She drops to her knees and sobs. Then I glance up at Troj hoping he’ll take over, but all he does is shrug back at me helplessly. I guess I have to take care of it myself.

“But you did it. You did, because you're strong. Now stand up,” I order, grabbing her arm and forcing her back onto her feet. “Danny is fucking dead. He’s gone.”

“Jesus Christ, Rogue.” Troj runs his hand through his hair awkwardly.

“That’s the reality of this situation, one that ain’t gonna change no matter how high you get. Now you can put having to deal with it off for a few hours, maybe even a few days. Or you can let the people who care about you take care of you and help you heal.”

The girl breaks into tears, throwing her arms around my neck, and I lightly tap my palm on her back when I’ve decided I’ve had enough. She still doesn’t get the hint.

“Can you call Ella?” she mumbles weakly at Maddy, who finally comes over and relieves me.

“Take her on up to the cabin, we’ll keep the kid with us ‘til Nyx gets here,” Jessie whispers to Maddy, handing her a set of keys, and as Maddy and Abby slowly walk toward the exit, Jessie looks at me with a real smug look on that pretty boy face of his.

“That was some real sound advice you just gave out. Maybe you should take it up yourself some time.” He raises his eyebrows at me before straddling the chair beside Roswell and getting into a real serious conversation with him.

“Good work, Rogue.” Troj slaps me on my back, the same way he would one of his brothers, before joining them at the table.

My cabin’s empty when I get home, and with the news about Deputy Dan spreading around the club like wildfire, and since she ain’t at the garage, I wonder if maybe Rogue is with the other girls over at Abby's cabin.

I seriously doubt it.

I go to my room to grab a fresh shirt and when I realize she’s left the bed unmade, I can’t leave without putting it straight. Tucking the sheet around the mattress on her side of the bed, I scowl when my hand slides over something hard and cool, and when I pull out the white revolver she’s been concealing from me, I feel the rage inside me swell.

I don’t know what’s got me more scared. The fact that I know the girl’s unhinged and has been sleeping beside me with a fully loaded weapon beneath her, or the fact she clearly doesn’t trust that I’m capable of taking care of her.

I place the gun on the coffee table, then sit staring at it while I wait for her to come home. I want to see her reaction when she realizes I’ve found it and that she can’t keep secrets from me.

She bustles through the door about an hour later, and if I wasn't so mad I’d be impressed by the fact she hangs up her jacket, rather than tossing it on the couch.

“Hey, wanna beer?” She heads straight for the fridge, failing to notice what I got laid out in front of me.

I hear the refrigerator rattle when she swings the door shut.

“You hear about that Deputy guy? Abby’s pretty cut up about it.” She makes four paces toward me before I hear her footsteps stop dead.

“Grimm.” The way she speaks my name nervously has me twisting my head and giving her my attention.

“Why did you hide it?” I ask, seeing how she’s staring at the gun and looking guilty. A lot like someone who’s just been caught the fuck out.

“Why did you hide it?” I growl the question at her again.

“Everyone carries around here. I don’t see what the big deal is.” Trying to shrug it off as unimportant, she swipes the gun up off the table into her delicate little hand.