Page 98 of Vengeful Soul

“What are you talking about?”

“We’re talking about the agency,” Nyx says, smashing the paperweight hard on to the table and snarling like a wolf. This has to be fucking hard for him, having a kid himself. And as I watch George turn whiter than Mexican cut cocaine, I realize how grateful I am to Nyx for being here.

“We know everything, George. We also know that your son has Grace. What we don’t know, is where he’s keeping her. That… you’re gonna tell us.” Jessie spins his desk chair sideways, caging him in by holding on to both arm rests.

“And you think I’m just going to tell you that?” George's eyes flick from Jessie’s to mine and he braves a laugh.

“No, I don’t, that's why I bought these two with me. Take an arm each, boys,” I order, and a dark smile crosses Nyx’s face as he moves and takes one of George’s arms, holding it around the chair while Jessie does the same with the other. I step around the desk myself, standing in front of him.

I tilt my head and tick over all the things I could do to get him talking before I pull my knife from my belt. And starting behind one of his ears, I make a shallow incision, all the way to his temple. His blood drips off my blade and over his face as I follow his hairline, and I hold my hand over his mouth to catch his cries of pain.

“Wh…whhh…what are you doing?” he asks, when I take a break and pull my hand away.

“I’m peeling your face off,” I answer calmly, knowing he’ll regret his question.

“Is that even possible?” Nyx looks like he’s genuinely intrigued.

“Guess we’ll find out.” I shrug, before turning my attention back to carving George’s skin.

“Wait, wait I’ll tell you.” He’s clearly panicking.

“Go on.” I pause the blade against his torn skin.

“There’s an old abandoned mansion that belongs to Adriano’s brother.” His voice shakes.

“Write down the address.” Jessie reaches across the desk and grabs a notepad, then a pen. He pulls the cap off it with his teeth and releases George's arm so he can write. The old man’s fingers tremble as he scribbles down the address and I snatch it from him as soon as he’s done.

“We can’t finish this here, not with witnesses,” Jessie reminds me to keep my cool.

“We have all the evidence, we know everyone involved, and we’re gonna start with your boy. I think we’ll leave you for last,” I tell him.

“Run if you think it’ll help, but rest assured, we’ll find you,” Nyx threatens as he releases him, and we start making our way out the door.

“Sleep with one eye open,” I warn, before I step back into the corridor. When I hear Nyx catch up and snort a laugh behind me, I tip my head at the still unnerved receptionist and spin round to ask him what he finds so fucking funny.

“You gotta work on some new lines.” He shakes his head, still smiling, as he follows me out onto the street toward our bikes. Jessie works on the address, pulling up the directions on his phone.

“The old man’s gonna warn him we’re coming,” he says while he waits for his phone to catch up.

“I got that handled,” Nyx winks and holds up an empty syringe. “Gave him a little shot on the way out. He should be out for a few hours.”

“Where the fuck you get that?” Jessie looks surprised.

“You’d be surprised what Tac has lying around the studio.”

“Come on, we need to move fast,” I say, feeling a little sense of pride as I saddle my bike.

“This says it’s twenty minutes away,” Jessie points out. “You sure you wanna go in like this? We could call it in and wait for some more brothers.”

“And if it were Maddy and Ella, what would you guys do?” I ask them both. Nyx nods like he understands my point.

“Follow me,” Jessie mounts his bike. And I follow him as he pulls off, hoping to god that we ain’t too late.

I dropped my fearless persona the second Julian’s phone rang, hoping the person on the other end might hear me. But now my throat feels ripped raw from screaming and I’ve come to the realization that even if they did hear me, they wouldn’t be able to find me.

I’m in some kind of basement. Judging from the walls, the place is old, and there seem to be more rooms leading off the one I’m being kept in, which suggests the place is big. More than likely remote, since Julian doesn’t seem to worry about me screaming. I also can’t forget the fact that I’ve just been ‘missing’ for a month and no one from my life had reported me. Why would this time be any different?

“You wanna know who that was?” Julian says as he steps back into the room after finishing with his call. I refuse him the satisfaction of my curiosity, shifting my body around so I don’t have to look at him.