Page 97 of Vengeful Soul

“She’s gone.” I have to keep myself in check. “Get Maddy to send me the address of Julian and his dad's office, and I want his cell number. Meet me at that address.” I hang up the phone before he can try and talk any of his sense shit into me.

I pace the office floor, clenching my fists while I wait for the text to come through. It arrives a few minutes later, and the first thing I do is call the cell number Maddy has for Julian.

“Hello?” a professional male voice answers.

“You have something of mine, and I want it back,” I tell the asshole on the other end, and the fucker laughs, surging more adrenaline through my blood. But when I hear a scream in the background that has to be Gracie’s, that blood immediately freezes still in my veins.

“Shut up, you little slut.” A loud slam sounds in the background and her scream is silenced.

“You were saying,” he gets back to me calmly.

“You are going to die, very slowly and very painfully,” I manage to get the words out.

“I don’t know if you're aware of this, but I’m a business man. I give nothing away for free.”

“Be ready. I’m coming for you,” I warn, cutting the call.

“Shit!” I slam my fist hard so hard into the wall that it makes a dent in the plasterboard. I have to take a moment to compose myself. Just a few seconds to pull myself together, and once I'm seeing straight again, I check my cell for the address and head for my bike.

I watch the office block impatiently from the other side of the street while I wait for Jessie. If I have any chance of getting Gracie back, I have to handle this the right way. Racing in and decapitating ain’t going to get me answers. It’s only minutes but it feels like hours before I hear the two bikes pull on to the street and park beside mine. Both Nyx and Jessie look relieved to see that I’ve waited.

“You owe me twenty bucks,” Nyx tells Jessie, pushing down his kickstand and resting up his bike.

“What’s he doing here?” I ask Jessie.

“Like I was gonna hang back and miss all the fun. I’m your brother. I’m here to help ya,” Nyx cuts in, and instead of trying to argue, I nod back gratefully.

“So, what’s the plan?” Jessie asks, standing up beside me and looking across at the building.

“Gracie is with Julian, I called him, heard her…” I can’t continue talking because the taste of the words in my mouth are making me feel sick.

“So we need to find out where he has her,” Jessie gets on my wavelength quickly.

“The old man is gonna tell us.” My focus centers on the office doors.

“And how do you suppose we do that?” Jessie asks with a smirk already hitching on his lips.

“The only way we know how.” Dusting my hands together, I start making my way over to the building, knowing that Jessie and Nyx have my flank. The inside of the building is quiet and calm. That annoying soft music they play you when you’re being kept on hold playing in the background. The receptionist stands up on her feet when she sees us enter, her eyes stretching with intimidation.

“Can I help you gentlemen?” she asks, trying to keep a professional composure.

“We’re here to see George Lenard?” I tell her.

“He’s in his office, I’ll just let him know he has visi—”

“We’ll announce ourselves, darlin’,” Jessie winks at her, as he places his hand over hers, preventing her from picking up the intercom. She nods her head, stunned into silence as her other hand lifts up and points to the door on the left.

I lead the boys through the door and down the long corridor, until I find the one with his name plaque. Then, looking to them both, I check they’re ready before I kick through the door.

George looks startled when the three of us invade his office. He has that helpless panic in his eyes that me and Jessie have become accustomed to over the years, one we welcome with pleasure.

“Morning, Georgie, we're here to talk to you about your son.” I move forward, resting my hands on the front of his desk. Imagining how it’s gonna feel to slowly choke the life out of him.

Nyx sits his ass on the corner of the desk, picking up a paper weight and tossing it in his hand like it’s an apple. While Jessie rounds the desk and closes the blinds to the street outside.

“I don’t know what this is about, but you need to leave immediately,” George commands, trying to draw some courage in to his feeble voice, I guess the guy victimizes kids for a reason, he’d be no fucking threat to a grown man.

“Where's your boy keeping Gracie?” I narrow my eyes at him.