Page 69 of Vengeful Soul

“Take her, Brax.” I look over at my brother when Nyx speaks up. He looks defeated, his hand covering his mouth and that spark he had in his eyes a few minutes ago nowhere to be seen. I eyeball Danny whatever his fucking name is as I take the girl off him. And I sense his resistance to let her go.

She’s shivering, clearly jacked up on something, and she lets out a feeble cry when he finally releases her.

“Thank you,” he nods, before turning his attention back to Nyx.

“Where’d she get the shit from?” I ask, and he turns back around to look at me.

“Trust me, when I get back, I’ll find out.” He storms toward the driver’s side of his patroller.

“And how do we know you're coming back?” Nyx asks, pacing nervously.

“Because I fucking love her,” Danny says with a pain in his voice and a hurt in his eyes that I find myself relating to. And for just a second, the anger I’m feeling for the fucker dilutes into sympathy. Though that sympathy’s short lived when he gets back into his patroller, slams the door and pulls off the yard. Leaving me and my brother with one hell of a situation.

“Well, you really are full of surprises, ain’t ya?” I shake my head at a furious looking Nyx. He ain’t saying shit, just keeps on pacing and it’s pissing me the fuck off. The girl in my arms is clammy and shaking uncontrollably.

“Nyx!” I yell at him, losing my temper.

“Just let me fucking think a minute,” he scrubs his hand over his face.

“How the hell is this your problem?” I ask him, the weight of the girl getting heavier in my arms. She's not holding herself at all. A dead weight. And I can’t help thinking if that was the case, this would be much less of a fucking problem.

“She’s… she was Ella’s best friend,” Nyx starts explaining. “She was the one in Luke’s truck when I tried killing him and she’s an addict… Shit.” He looks up at the black sky above his head as if it’s gonna give him some answers.

“Yeah, I got that last part, Nyx. What I’m puzzled about is why the fuck she’s here.”

“When I got out of jail, I needed some answers. She’d betrayed Ella and I needed to know why. I found her exactly like this at her home. She was alone and I knew she meant something to Ella. So, I got her help.”

“Officer Dan?” I look at him questioningly. I had no idea him and Nyx were close.

“He owed me a favor and I couldn’t bring her here. Prez had forbidden me to have anything to do with Ella and… Brax you gotta help me deal with this.”

I look at the girl and then back at my brother. This is not the kinda situation I wanna be involved in, especially with my head so fucked up on other things right now.

“I got an idea.” I let out a frustrated breath and go against all my better judgement, hauling the girl into an easier position to carry, before I start heading back into the club.

“Wait, where you goin’?” Nyx calls after me. “We can’t take her in there. Prez sees her, he’s gonna flip.”

“I’m taking her to the basement,” I answer calmly,

“The basement? Whoah… Brax, is that a good idea?” Nyx charges in front of me, getting in my way.

“You got any better ones.” I cold stare him, and since he’s all out of options, he slowly shakes his head before stepping out my way.

I move with the girl, down the stairs and into the room where me and Jessie do most of our work.

I dump the girl in the chair and when her head falls forward, I grab at her face and try to get her to focus.

“What’s the bitch’s name?” I ask Nyx, tapping her cheek and trying to get a response.

“Abby, her name is Abby.”

“Abby,” I tap her again, this time much harder, and all I get in response is a tired moan.

“Brax, Ella can’t deal with this now and she’s gonna hate me for keeping this from her.”

“Then why did you?” I look up at him.

“Because look what she’s fucking been through. In six months, my girl’s had a kid, found out her whole life was a lie, almost got raped by her step father, oh and found out her new Pops is the fucking President of a—”