Page 10 of Vengeful Soul

“If they got any sense.” He kicks open a door to his left, and drags me back.

“You're gonna have to untie my hands,” I tell him, and he ignores me, pulling on the light cord and assessing the room. It’s minimal, just a toilet, a basin, and a bathtub that needs a damn good scrub. There’s also a tiny window above it, which I notice him size me up against.

“You take a piss, and then you come back out. Door stays open.” He points to the door as he lays down his terms and when I nod in agreement, he finally unties my hands. I flex and rotate my wrists, enjoying the feeling of freedom, when I notice the angry red marks on my skin where I struggled against the ropes in the truck.

He shifts back out into the hall, and I wait until he turns his back on me before I push my shorts down to my ankles, and hoover over the toilet seat. I don’t know whose ass was on it before mine.

“Hurry up,” he barks impatiently. The pressure of him standing so close makes it real difficult, especially since I don’t really need to go. Thankfully, I manage to force something out, I can’t be sure when the next time I’ll be granted a bathroom trip will be.

I pull the flush and wash my hands while scanning the room for anything useful, like a razor or something. But the place is empty, there’s not even a toothbrush in here.

“All done,” I say as I open the door, trying my best to sound friendly, and he wastes no more time, quickly grabbing my arm and pulling me back to the kitchen where the dog is still waiting.

“Sit,” he nods his head toward one of the kitchen chairs. Talking to me, not the dog this time. I do as he asks despite his tone, looking at him hatefully as I lower myself onto the hardwood seat.

“I’ll be back,” he says, taking the ropes and wrapping them tight around my chest, so tight that I worry I won’t be able to breathe when he’s finished. My arms are crushed against my sides, unmovable due to his expert tying skills.

He shuffles in front of me and uses the other ropes to tie my ankles to the chair legs.

“You’re just gonna leave me here alone?” I question him, feeling myself start to panic.

“He’ll be here.” I follow his eyes over to the dog.

He can’t be serious.

“But what if you don’t come back? Nobody knows where I am.” My palms are sweating and I feel a lump forming in my throat. Shit… I think I’m gonna cry.

“I’ll come back,” he assures me, standing in front of me so his body towers over mine.

“If you leave me, I’ll scream,” I threaten. “I’ll scream so loud that I’ll wake the fucking dead.”

“Holla as loud as you like, princess, ain't no one gonna hear ya all the way out here.” He shrugs back at me, before turning and heading toward the door.

“Watch her,” he instructs the dog before closing the door behind him.

I wait until I hear the truck pull away before I get to work. Making tiny shuffles of the chair to get closer to the drawers. It takes so much effort to make such little progress and my body is already exhausted, but this is my only hope of getting out of here.

The dog watches me curiously as I try my hardest to shunt further. And when I overdo a thrust, the chair topples onto its side, and I crash to the floor with a painful thump. Closing my eyes, I feel hope slip away from me. My body is too sore to fight, and when a warm wet tongue licks over my cheek, I finally admit defeat.

She’s trying real hard to be brave, I almost admire the girl for her determination. But she’s wasting her efforts, the pretty little bitch can’t hide how scared she is from me. I’ve seen fear in all its forms. Just never in a way that got my dick hard.

The place Prez has found us is perfect. Off the grid, secure, and if by some miracle she did manage to get away from me, she’d have nowhere to run to. The house is surrounded by marshy fields with only one track to the main road, and it's a real long one.

When I get back from the grocery store the door is still locked, and everything is quiet. I let myself in and head straight for the kitchen. As expected, she’s still tied to the chair, but it’s on the ground now, laying on its side. No doubt during her attempt to escape.

The girl should know better, there ain't no way she’s getting away from me. Many have tried, many have failed, and those rarely live to tell the tale. I rest my shoulder against the doorframe and watch as her eyes lift from the floor. Slowly traveling up my body until they settle on the smug grin I got specially for her. I’ve barely known the girl five minutes, and already I know how much it irritates her.

“Are you gonna help me up or stand there staring?” she snaps.

I take my time placing the bag of groceries on the table, then make sure I stand so her eyes are level with my boots.

Slowly, I reach down and take the back of the chair in my hand before hauling it back up on to four legs.

“You ain’t gonna escape.” I grip a fist of her hair, tugging her head back and forcing her to look up at me. I catch that glimpse of fear again, her eyelashes batting hard and a terrified little swallow slipping down her throat.

Jesus, that throat would look good with my cock fucking it. With her gagging and spluttering around me, while her eyes drown in pretty tears.

I push that thought away and quickly release her from my grip, stomping back out to the truck to get the rest of the supplies.