Page 100 of Vengeful Soul

“Adriano?” Julian sounds startled.

“Sorry for the interruption,” Adriano smirks sarcastically.

“I was just—”

“Save your shit, Julian. I thought you’d had your fill of the girl.” He turns his head to the huge guy on his right. “Sit her on the chair,” he orders. The guy moves forward, grabbing my upper arm and yanking me over to the chair, slamming me down hard on to the seat which sends a painful jolt up my spine.

“We can start with you telling us what you know about the agency.” Adriano stands in front of me and pins his eyes on to mine like a cobra ready to strike.

“I know that you’re all a bunch of sick assholes,” I say bravely, then feel all the air exit my lungs when he punches me hard in the stomach. “I see you didn’t teach the little slut any respect while you were fucking her,” he says to Julian, grabbing my hair and forcing my head sideways.

“What do you know?” I feel cold metal touch my skin, and my panicked pulse beat against it.

“Speak,” his palm hits my cheek.

But a distant noise distracts us both, and the sound I hear causes my stomach to flutter. Adriano quickly turns his attention away from me to the big guy.

“Check it out,” he orders, clearly irritated.

I know the sound and I know who it belongs to. I’d recognize the sound of Brax’s bike anywhere. Somehow he’s found me, and shit here is about to get really fucking messy.

My rage is uncontainable as we ride down the long drive to the derelict mansion. The whole ride here, I’ve felt helpless. My knuckles white from holding down the throttle and my chest aching from the constant stabbing feeling I’ve had to deal with since I found out she was in danger. I don’t know how many there will be, and there’s no chance they won’t hear us coming. But none of that matters. I want the fight. I want all the fuckers to pay for what they’ve done. The more the fucking merrier in my opinion.

We park up beside a fancy looking limo, and we haven’t even dismounted our bikes before a tower block of a man steps in front of the entrance.

“I’d move out the way if I were you,” Nyx warns.

“Can I help you, boys?” The big guy folds his arms in front of his chest in an attempt to seem intimidating.

That shit doesn’t work on people like us.

“You can get the fuck out of my way.” I square up to him, he’s a half a foot taller than me and much wider, but that doesn’t mean the fucker stands a chance of stopping me.

“The boss ain’t seeing guests,” he stares back at me, without budging.

“Ya hear that, Jess, the boss ain’t seeing guests.” I look back over my shoulder, and Jessie nods understandingly as he gets off his bike and pushes his knuckle duster over the fingers on his right hand.

“Good thing we ain’t here as guests,” he says, just before he slams his fist into the guy’s jaw, I hear a loud crack as blood sprays out his mouth and he stumbles backward. I take it as my cue to march past him, and with Nyx following behind me, we leave Jessie to have his fun.

The house is clearly unlived in. It's empty of furniture and there’s a musty tinge in the air. Frayed curtains hang from the windows and there’s debris scattered all over the floor. Nyx nods his head toward a door that’s slightly open at the other side of the hall before pulling out his glock to cover me.

I check it out, the door leads into pitch black, and cool air seeps up the wooden staircase as I take the steps as silently as I can. I drag air through my nose and release it out through my mouth slowly, as I envision ripping the heart from the chest of whoever’s keeping her here.

There’s a corridor when I reach the bottom of the stairs, and I follow it all the way to the bottom where a steel door stands between me and the muffled voices on the other side.

Checking over my shoulder, I see that Nyx is still with me, and I give him a nod before I push open the door. The anger I felt up until this point ain’t a scratch on the surface compared to the fury that surges through me when I see a guy holding Gracie down while some suited fucker holds a knife under her chin.

It’s the cunt with the knife that has to go first, and I don’t even give him the chance to anticipate what to do in defense. The force that comes from my fist as it impacts almost lifts him from the ground, and as he stumbles backward, his knife falls from his hand and clatters onto the floor. I make my assault, kicking all the air out of him with the heel of my boot. A glance out of the corner of my eye confirms that my brother got the big man covered. That just leaves the other guy I’d caught in my peripheral when I walked in. Gracies’ supposed boyfriend. I feel him before I see him again, his hands tugging at the back of my cut in an attempt to drag me off his piece of shit buddy.

I greet him back with a swing of my shoulders and a right hook to his temple. I don’t have the time to make him suffer like he deserves. I need to get to Gracie, cause I ain’t gonna believe she’s okay until I’m holding her in my arms and feeling her pulse beat against mine.

In any other circumstance I would enjoy the fight, I would have dragged out these mother fuckers’ torture a little for my own entertainment. But the need to get to Gracie overcomes that craving. These men have to die and they have to die fast.

The guy on the floor smirks up at me when I stand over him. “You know not what you do,” he tells me, clutching his stomach as he attempts to sit up.

“I know what you do, ya sick fuck.” I angle my body around his and twist his neck until it snaps in my hands, then I move on to my next mark. The guy who I should never have taken Gracie home to.

“You,” I point my finger at him, and I feel myself seething as I stomp closer to him. I reach out and grab the front tuft of his hair. Forcing him to his feet. I reach into my belt and take out my knife, twisting the blade in my hand so it rests against his jugular.