Page 57 of Vengeful Soul

His hand cradles the back of my neck, and his strong arm presses into my back, keeping my body tight to his as he keeps us moving, his cock stirring inside me and filling my body with a pleasure I’ve realized has no limits.

We aren’t building to a climax. This is an endless kinda pleasure, a satisfaction that comes with giving into gravitation. And Brax feels it too. I know he does by the way he clings to me like he wants to hold on to it for as long as possible.

So, I pretend right along with him that this never has to end, until we’re a mess of sweat and quivering breaths, and he releases himself inside me again.

I wake up before Gracie does, and prop myself up on my elbow to watch her sleeping. Her lips are slightly parted, allowing soft breaths to leave her body, and I can feel it fuckin’ happening to me. I felt it last night too.

My heart is thawing.

I’m falling for her.

And now I’m even allowing myself to imagine how it might feel to wake up like this every day.

I understand for the first time why Nyx had been stupid enough to put his life on the line for Ella, and how Jessie could consider making peace with the Bastards to keep his girl safe.

Only difference here is, Gracie ain’t my girl. There’s no future for us, and she knows that as well as I do.

She stirs, her lashes fluttering as they open up those big green eyes to me, and my dark glare is the first thing her pretty green irises have to focus on.

“You're still here,” she whispers, her lips lifting into a dreamy smile.

“You’re in my bed,” I remind her. “And my shirt.”

Looking down between us, she shrugs, then reaches her arms above her head to stretch out her body. Tempting me to run my hands all over it.

“We fucked up again, didn’t we?” she says with a smile that holds no regret.

“Yep,” I nod. “And I got a feelin’ I’ma fuck up again real soon.” Rolling on top of her, I take her lips with mine and love the fact that she tastes like me. She smells like me too, it’s fuckin’ perfection.

“I like you when you’re like this,” she confesses, her delicate fingers touching over my mouth. Something hurts inside of me when I hear her say that. And I can’t decide if it’s the words she said, or how happy she looked saying them. Maybe it’s because I don’t really know who I’m being right now, all I do know is that it doesn’t feel forced or faked.

I’ve been awake a whole hour now, and still haven’t felt that bitter feeling start to creep up on me. I’ve been far too focused on watching her sleep, absorbing her essence like it might cure my cold, damaged heart.

“I thought I was gonna wake up and you’d want to forget again.” She looks up at me through those lashes nervously and instead of looking away, I confront the situation. I've thought about it all night and come up with only one conclusion.

“Way I see it, we can waste our efforts fighting it, or we can take this for what it is. We don’t know how long you’re gonna need to be here. Might as well enjoy the time we got.” I push my knee between her legs and force them wider apart.

“I have someone, back at home, Brax,” she reminds me softly, but does nothing to stop my cock pressing against her pussy.

“When you leave the club, you leave me too,” I tell her. “You go back to your life, and leave any guilt you got for what we did here with me. Go get yourself all that happy ever after bull shit.”

“That’s deep,” she laughs a little, and it earns her a smile from me.

“Deep, huh? I could get way deeper if you want.” Rocking my hips against hers, I let my dick slide against her wet slit, and her head falls back pushing her throat up to my lips.

“So what d’you say, princess…? You wanna sin here with me for a little while before you go back to paradise?” I ask, only this time I make sure my voice is serious. I know what I’m asking her to do is a big deal, but I can’t see another way around it. I can’t be stuck on this compound with her without wanting her, and I can’t deal with all the extra frustration holding off on her is causing.

She looks a little disappointed in herself when she nods her head back at me, and I kiss the guilt right off her lips. Gracie may be a stubborn little brat, but she has an innocence about her that’s addictive. If cheating on her weak assed boyfriend is the worst of her sins, I could never burden her with all of mine.

That list is far too fucking long.

My cock automatically finds its place at her entrance and I’m about to push inside her, when a loud thump on the door stops me.

“Brax, open up,” Jessie’s voice calls out, and I take a calming breath through my nose before I drop my head between us.

“This better be fuckin’ good,” I curse under my breath, before dragging myself away from her and pulling on some jeans. When I open the door, I hit Jessie with a glare that tells him exactly what he’s just interrupted.

“We fuckin’ got it,” he tells me with a gruesome smile that spreads all the way to his ears.