Page 40 of Vengeful Soul

“I’ll be in the shed if you need me,” Brax says, slamming the door after him and leaving me alone.

I don’t disturb him, not even to tell him his food is ready, instead, I keep his plate in the oven and eat alone. I wait up for him till eleven and when there’s still no sign of him, I decide to take myself to bed.

Curiosity gets the better of me when I reach the top step and see the door that leads into the room he was going to sleep in slightly open. It seems so far away from me, and with Brax in such a bad mood I wonder if he’ll make me sleep alone tonight. I don’t want to have to ask him to sleep with me again. The door creaks as I open it wider, and when I turn on the light. What I see surrounding me is not what I expected.

The room is small, the walls covered in newspaper clippings and mug shots, all that contain the same cruel eyes and stern face. Most of the photographs are damaged in some way, either ripped or covered with tiny holes.

“What are you doing in here?” Brax’s voice startles me and I quickly spin around, my cheeks burning from the embarrassment of being caught snooping.

“I was looking for your room.” I bite down on my lip nervously, my hands twisting behind my back.

Shit, he looks mad.

“Get out.” I can see he’s using all of his efforts to keep his voice calm. Every part of him tense, I can even see the veins in his neck poking up like tunnels.

“Who’s this man?” I ask, despite getting the sense I shouldn’t push him.

“Get the fuck out,” his tone raises as he loses a little more control.

“Brax?” I reach out to touch him, it's a stupid idea because I feel crushed when he shoves me away.

“Go to your room,” he snarls, and I’ve taken about as much as I can bear from him. One minute he’s wanting to take care of me, the next he’s treating me like I’m a burden. I try holding back my tears, but they’re inevitable, so I rush from the room before he gets the privilege of seeing them.

Once I’m in my room with the door slammed behind me, I lie on the bed and let everything out. I do a really shit job of hiding my loud sobs.

“Gracie,” Brax knocks at the door and I ignore him. “Gracie,” his voice sounds even angrier when he bangs a second time. I don’t know why he hasn’t just barged in, the thing’s not locked and Brax isn’t exactly hot on his manners.

“Come in.” I sit up, quickly drying my eyes with the back of my hand. His face is much softer, almost remorseful when he steps inside and makes his way closer to the bed.

“You shouldn’t have been in there,” he whispers,

“I’m sorry.” I don’t know why, but suddenly I feel guilty for snooping. He stands in front of me for a while, and I wonder if he senses that I need him. If he knows that something about having him close makes me feel safe. Even when he’s raging mad at me.

“It’s been a long day, get some sleep.” Brax turns to walk away and desperation causes me to act quickly.

“Stay.” The words blurt from my mouth without my permission, and I’m even more shocked when he turns back around and nods his head. I watch him kick off his boots and take off his socks before stepping out of his jeans. Then I scooch over when he pulls back the cover and slides in beside me.

“Do you think you’re ever gonna kiss me again, Brax?” My mouth runs away with itself again, but I don’t regret it. This isn’t a game to provoke him, I really need to know the answer because since he kissed me, it’s been impossible not to imagine him doing it again.

“Goodnight, Gracie,” he avoids the question. Shutting off the lamp and turning his back to me.

“It’s just that, sometimes you look at me like you want to, and I know how weird it is since you kidnapped me and all but…”

“Shut up,” he snaps.

“I just wanted you to know that if you did… you know, want to, that it would be okay. It’s totally okay if you don’t though. I’m just being…” My embarrassing ramble is cut short, and I’m shocked silent when Brax swiftly turns and his mouth and body press hard into mine. His lips firm and demanding as his hand slides up my cheek and holds me in place. There’s no escaping him now, and I wouldn’t want to. Not when Brax’s tongue is forcing its way between my lips and making me forget all the trouble I’m in.

“You ever stop, Gracie?” his lips are still pressing hard into mine, and he doesn’t give me chance to answer his question, before delving his tongue back inside my mouth again. He takes and takes, leaving me breathless, and despite all this being so wrong, I silently pray that he won’t find the sense to stop.

My blood burns like fire under my skin. My mind’s exhausted from trying to convince myself that I don’t give a fuck about her.

I’m Brax-fucking-Marshall, I’m incapable of caring about anyone.

I’m also fucking lying to myself.

My lips command hers, sucking her deeper into my darkness while her fingers tug at my hair, inviting me to take more.

She feels so fuckin’ incredible beneath me, her lips spilling tiny breaths and delicate moans between mine.