Page 4 of Vengeful Soul

Rope? Goes without saying.

Handcuffs? Could come in handy.

Machete? Slightly overkill.

In the end, I settle with a handgun and a box of ammo as my weapon of choice. All us Souls carry a knife as standard, but I still pack a couple of my larger ones, figure it’s always best to be prepared.

When someone knocks on my cabin door, I slide the trunk back under my bed and yell for whoever it is to come in. Turns out it’s Jessie who’s waiting for me in the living room when I step back out.

“Got everything you need?” he checks, and I can tell he’s fuckin’ twitching. Jessie and I are cut from the same cloth, we’d both been selected by our Charters when we were prospects to be trained by Vex. And we were chosen to be trained by the best because we share the same hunger, a hunger that neither of us make apologies for.

This task from Prez is different, and I know if it was Jessie going in, he’d be feeling the same apprehension I am.

“Yep.” I slide my duffel bag onto my shoulder and scoop up the keys to the truck from the kitchen table.

Unfortunately, bikes and kidnaps don’t work.

“I don’t know what Prez got you on but I know whatever this is ain’t our usual style.” Clearly, Jessie has no idea I’m about to go kidnap a fuckin’ woman.

“And there was me thinking the old man was goin’ soft in his old age.” I raise an eyebrow.

“Don’t take this wrong, Brax, but it concerns me that he’s sending you over me,” he admits, and I know that can’t be easy for him.

“How so?” I stare back at him, curious to his thoughts. I’ve been thinking exactly the same thing. Jessie’s like a son to Prez. He’s his VP, and I know he trusts him more than anyone.

I’m a drifter, a nomad. It makes no sense.

“We’ve known each other a long time, Brax, you prospected for my Pa’s Charter, you were there for me when I went through Vex’s training. And there ain’t no denying we share the same vice. But you, you need it a hella lot more than I do. More than I ever did, even before Mads. You thrive off this shit.”

“So, what you sayin’?” I’m still waiting for him to tell me something I don’t already know.

“I’m sayin’ be fucking careful. I don’t know what this shit relates to, but Prez sending in the most merciless guy we got to take care of it, got me concerned.”

“Stop, you’re gonna make me blush,” I snigger, tapping his shoulder as I step past him.

“Brax, this ain’t a game, it’s bigger than us. Prez rarely keeps secrets from the club, and he sure as hell don’t keep ‘em from me. Watch your back, and don’t underestimate this shit. We ain’t the kids Vex trained no more. We both got reasons to fuckin’ care now.”

“Speak for yourself,” I snort a laugh, pulling open the door.

“You tellin’ me you’ve been hanging around this Charter for over a year for no reason? That you told Nyx who he was to you for nothing? I know you’ve asked Prez if he’ll consider patching you in here for good. So don’t give me that bullshit, Brax. I’m the only one around here who knows you too well for it.”

Turning back around, my eyes slowly look him over.

“Jess, you can try and convince yourself, but you and I both know that there ain’t nobody on this planet that can take the darkness out of us. You might see the world a little brighter now. Who knows, perhaps that’s why Prez is sending me over you. But don’t kid yourself into believing that hate doesn’t still fester inside you. And don’t doubt that I won’t do what I need to do for this club.”

Jessie nods back at me. He may not want to, but he understands me.

Anyone can see the guy’s crazy about his bitch, but he’s still the same Jessie he’s always been. No love in this world is gonna take the spite out of him, which means there’s little hope for the likes of me.

Jessie follows me out of my cabin, where I open the door of the truck and toss my duffel bag onto the passenger seat before getting inside.

“Try to stay out of trouble,” he warns. And I roll my eyes at him before pulling off.

How much trouble can one girl actually be?

I twiddle my locket between my thumb and finger throughout the entire service, doing my best to hold everything together. I should be crying, I should feel sad, but I don’t. All I can feel is fucking fury.

Fury at them for leaving me, and angry at everyone here for staring at me with the same pathetic look on their faces.