Page 20 of Vengeful Soul

“I guess I should thank you… for what you did back there.” It hurts being so nice after what he said on the phone back at the house.

“Good job I always do what Prez tells me, huh?” he smirks at me through his pain.

“I don’t know… I was kinda looking forward to finding out how you planned on making my lips spill,” I hit back playfully but even I know there’s truth behind my words.

“Darlin’, I’m known for breaking rules, you really wouldn’t want me to make you one of ‘em.” And when I realize how seriously he’s looking back at me, I quickly focus back on the road.

The pain in my side becomes numb from alcohol, and I hate to admit it, but she’s right, I’m gonna have to get it seen to. Which is exactly why I direct her to the Rosita Motel. I know Jerry well. He’s an ex-forces medic and more importantly, one of the few people in the world I trust.

When we pull off the freeway, I tell Gracie to lock the doors and stay put while I head into the office to sort us a room.

“Jerry.” Camilla calls out the old man’s name without even looking up from her magazine.

“What now?” His grumble comes from behind the beaded curtain.

“Brax is here,” she says, unfazed by the state I’m in. I guess she’s seen me in much worse.

Jerry appears from behind the curtain, greeting me with a toothless smile and a tap on the back.

“You better come through to the back, lad… Camilla, grab a bottle of Grey Goose.”

“I’m gonna need a room,” I tell him.

“Of course,” Jerry gestures for me to move into his office.

“There’s two of us, the girl’s out in the truck.” Camilla actually lifts her head and exchanges a surprised look with Jerry, although words don’t pass between them, I know exactly what they're thinking.

Braxton Marshall travels alone.

Always alone.

“I see. Take number six.” Jerry unhooks a key from the wall, still looking shocked.

“The girl, she’s a little shook up,” I tell him. “I’m taped up so I’m good for a while. I’ll get her settled, then come on over for you to stitch me up. It’ll give ya a chance to sink a few, your work’s always neater when you lose the shakes.”

“Cheeky fucker,” Jerry says, swiping the bottle out of Camilla's hand. “Go clean yourself up, I’ll see you in a few.”

Grace is still in the driver’s seat, her fingers tapping at the steering wheel and her eyes looking around anxiously while she waits for me.

“Come on,” I tell her, opening her door when she flicks up the lock. She slides out the truck followed by Duke, and I flinch in pain as I reach across the seat to grab my duffel bag.

“How did you manage to get a room looking like that?” she asks, looking me up and down. “Surely they asked questions?”

“We passed ten other motels on the way here, why you think I chose this one?” I shuffle past her and make my way toward room 6, unlocking the door and holding it open for her. Duke bolts through the door and leaps straight on top of the bed, while Gracie slowly passes me, keeping her eyes on mine as she squeezes through the tiny gap I’ve left for her to get through.

Once inside, I bolt the door and make sure the room is secure.

“You wanna wash up?” I ask her, being in better light I can see she’s got blood on her too, I don’t know how it got there, but it calms me a little to know it ain’t hers.

“I think you should take one first.” She flicks her eyes up and down my body.

“I’m fine, jump in the shower. I know how shit they are here. It’ll be freezing by the time the second person gets to use it.”

“See, it doesn’t hurt to be nice now and again,” her hand flicks at my shoulder, and a dopey as fuck smile pulls on to her face. It leaks a little warmth into my chest that doesn’t feel right there.

“Not nice.” I grasp at her arm and squeeze my fingers into her flesh. I need to remind her that I’m bad… and I need to remind myself of it too. “Savvy,” I bite back coldly, as I move past her into the bathroom and turn on the faucet.

“I’m in enough pain, without havin’ to hear you bitch about taking a cold shower.” Stepping back into the room, I see the smile has dropped from her lips.