Page 91 of Reckless Soul

“You think Skid was in on it too? You know before the whole Carly thing happened,” I think out loud, though I struggle to believe that Skid could be a part of all this. Barring Tac and Jessie, that guy’s the loyalist person I know.

“You watch your fuckin’ mouth, boy. Skid was just a kid when Chop brought them here. I’d slice out my own tongue before I doubted him. And I’ll take out yours ifI hear you say shit like that again,” he scowls.

“Chop betrayed him worse than anyone,” Prez adds and I nod my agreement, I should never have doubted Skid, but everything’s so fucked up around here these days.

“I’ll try and get hold of Skid, Jessie’s right, we can’t hurt Tommy till we’ve spoken to him. He’s lost enough.” Prez’s answer makes my blood boil, but I ain’t in the position to argue with him. Truth is, right now I don’t give a fuck what happens to Tommy, all I’m worried about is Ella.

“Who’s watching Ella?” I ask.

“You care an awful lot ‘bout something that's none ya business, boy.” Prez looks at me suspiciously.

“She’s safe,” he tells me eventually, putting me out of my misery.The boys followed her into town and then back home. We got Tommy, and there ain’t no way Chop is brave enough to come that close to town knowing the club’s out for his blood.”

“What about the Bastards? They were watching her too. You really think she’s safe out there?”

“She’s a damn sight safer out there than she would be here,” he says sadly, pouring himself another drink.

And I fucking hate that he’s right.

“How d’you want me to handle this?” I ask Skid when he comes flying down the stairs into the basement. He doesn’t answer me, just pushes past me and opens the door to get to his nephew.

“Where is he?” he grabs hold of Tommy, lifting him and the chair he’s tied to off the floor and shaking him.

“I don’t know,” Tommy cries out, and Skid launches him at the wall so hard that one of the wooden legs snap off the chair and Tommy lands sideways on the ground.

“You tell me right now where I can find him, Tommy,or I swear to Satan I’ll kill you.” Skid pulls his gun out his holster, slides back the chamber and presses the barrel tight on Tommy’s temple. “Don’t fuckin’ test me,” he warns. His heavy hands shaking as he holds the weapon into his nephew’s face with such force, I swear his skull is gonna shatter.

“I don’t know.” Tommy must realize what serious shit he’s in now because the little weasel starts to cry. Tears streaming down his face and dribble running on to his chin. He’s scared and hell, I would be too. Skid’s got nothing to fucking lose these days.

“I don’t know where he is,” Tommy screams out, and all my instincts tell me that he’s telling the truth.I’ve heard fear many times, what I’m hearing now is helpless fear. If Tommy knew where Chop was, he’d give him up. The kid doesn’t wanna die.

“You gotta believe me, Uncle Skid. I don’t know. He just told me to keep my eye on the girl for him. I haven’t seen him since the Skinner’s deal went wrong.” Tommy sobs but Skid doesn’t let up. He’s still got a whole lot of tension in the finger that’s resting on that trigger.

“I don’t wanna die,” Tommy cries out. “I’m fucking scared, Uncle Skid.”

“And how do you think your auntie Carly felt?” Skid forces the gun even deeper into his nephew's flesh and I swear he’s gonna do it. He’s gonna pull that fuckin’ trigger and end Tommy’s sad pathetic life.

“He fucked her, Tommy,” Skid’s voice weakens to a whisper, and tears stream out of his anger filled eyes.

“She was good and pure. She never did a thing to harm anyone and he fucked her like she was a whore… Jesus, fucking Christ.” Skid launches the gun out of his hand, throwing it across the room and then falling back with his back against the wall.

“Jesus. fucking. Christ.” He slams his palms on to his knees a few times before throwing hishead back and covering his face with his hands. Then he breaks down.

Tommy lies paralyzed on the ground, catching hisbreath, and I hope the son of a bitch realizes how lucky he is to still be breathing

“I can’t live without her, Jess,” Skid’s voice croaks as helooks up at me like I got some answers for him. But I got nothing. Not a damn fucking word to say. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to Mads. I can’t even think about shit like that.

“Listen,” I crouch in front of him, grabbing his head between my hands. “We are gonna find him and he’s gonna pay for what he did,” I swear, and I mean it.I won’t rest until it’s done. Skid needs this. He’s lost his way, but I refuse to believe that we can’t bring him back.

“It ain’t gonna bring her home, Jess.” He sounds so helpless, tears drowning those big kind eyes that used to be filled with such contentment.

“No, it ain’t,” I admit, almost choking on the lump in my throat, that’s a hard truth that even I struggle to fuckin’ swallow. “But it’s gonna help ya heal. We’re all gonna help ya heal, brother,” I assure him.

“There ain’t no healing when you’ve lost your soul, Jessie.” Skid closes his eyes and it causes more tears to stream down his cheeks.

“I’m broken, I got nothing left in me no more,” he admits staring forward into space. “You wanna know how many times I’ve held that gun to my own head?” He’s looking at me now, like that’s a serious fuckin’ question.

“Every night, Jessie,” he tells me seriously.“Every damn fucking night since she’s been gone. And I can’t fuckin’ do it. I can’t pull the trigger. Just like I couldn’t pull it on him.” His eyes slide over to where Tommy’sstill lay, cheek down against the concrete floor.