Page 87 of Reckless Soul

“Finally, someone who knows what they’re doing around here,” Jessie’s voice comes from under the car.

“Out the way, let the big boys get to work,” Rogue barges past me. “Maybe you could hook us up with a coffee or summit before you leave.” She blows an impressive bubble out of the gum she’s chewing, and winks at me before stepping into her bright pink overalls. I ignore her, shaking my head.

Rogue’s hot as hell, but no one around here’s brave enough to touch her.

Anyone can see that the girl’s got issues. Deep invisible scars that she tries to cover up with sass.

“Are you gonna move or not?” she asks, taking her thick blonde hair and piling it into a rough bun on top of her head.

“Sorry,” holding up my hands, I shift out of her way. Figure I’ll use the time to grab a shower before I start working the bar in the clubhouse. Prez has been running me ragged since I’ve been back. There's been no talk of me getting patched in, which I predicted anyway, due to the major fuck up I made of the task he set for me.

When I get to the cabins, instead of heading into my own I knock on Maddy and Jessie’s cabin door. Maddy is the only person who can help me, and as much as I don’t want to bring her into this by asking. I need to know my girl is okay.

“Is Jessie okay?” Maddy asks the instant she opens the door, and I nod reassuringly.“Rogue just took over from me so I can help out at the club. I was wondering if you could help me with something before I start?”

“Sure.” She opens up the door wider so I can step inside, then heads straight for the fridge and pulls out a beer, placing it on the table for me.

“What’s that for?” I stare at the bottle.

“You’re asking someone for help, so I figured you must need it,” she says curling up one side of her mouth, and I snatch up the bottle and take a mouthful.

“I saw her,” I confess. “She looked so…”

“Unhappy,” Maddy finishes for me.

“Yeah. I know you said before that you were watching her. I just wondered…”

“You want me to use my kick-ass superpowers to check in on her,” she smirks back at me, looking as if she’s up for the challenge.

“Yeah.” I can’t believe I’m asking her for this. Why do I constantly insist on torturing myself?

“Okay.” Maddy opens up her laptop, her fingers clicking the keys faster than I can blink.

“So… I have CCTV footage from the parking lot at Colorado College. Ella takes classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday mornings, the rest are afternoons. So, if I cross-reference those times with the GPS on the car. Yep, there it is… She arrived on campus around 8:45 yesterday and pulled out around 11:15. Do you want to see her arriving or leaving?” She takes her eyes off the screen to look up at me.

“Wow, you really are kick-ass,” I tell Maddy, excited at the idea of seeing Ella again, even if it is gonna break my heart. “Ummm, leaving I guess.”

“Okay.” She sets back to work for a few seconds and turns the screen. My eyes find her straight away on the grey, blurry picture. She’s walking across the parking lot, wearing the same jeans and hoodie she’d been in when I saw her last time. She’s lost all the confidence from her walk, it’s like watching a stranger and it stabs my chest so deep I almost choke.

She gets inside her car and pulls off.I’mabout to spin the laptop back to Maddy when something catches my eye in the corner of the screen. Someone I recognize resting against the chain-link fence and watching her leave.

“Can you rewind this thing?” I ask Maddy.

“Sure.” She uses the keys to run the footage back a few seconds and I watch the slippery little fucker’s head turn as he watches Ella’s every move.

“There, in the corner of the screen, you see that?” I ask Maddy, and she pulls her glasses down from her hair and leans in a little closer.

“Tommy,” she gasps out loud when she she’s what I’m seeing. “What would Tommy want with…”she pulls her hand over her mouth in horror.

“I don’t know, Mads, but I don’t trust that fucker to be anywhere near her. He was deep in shit with some bad people when he was in county.”

“We need to go to Prez,” she says.

“And say what? We were just checking in on your secret daughter because Nyx got his heart all torn up over her and we found…”

“I knew it,” Maddy interrupts me. “You absolutely love her,” she laughs to herself.

“What does it even matter? I can’t have her.” I shrug, feeling my cheeks burn red, and I hate that Maddy looks so sorry for me.