Page 82 of Reckless Soul

“Ain’t like you’re used to sleep, kid, up till god knows what time sketching in that book of yours.”

I feel protective when anyone mentions my sketchbook. My work is private. Pages and pages of Ella’s face. I swear I have a portrait for every single one of her expressions.

“I don’t know what you did to piss Jimmer off, Nyx, but my old man always told me he was a fair guy. Hell, he’s proved it to me enough times since I took over. The fact he’s asking for you back, proves you got a second shot. Don’t fuck it up.”

I thank him for his advice, although it’s not needed, before standing up and leaning across the table to shake his hand. My time here may have sucked but it could have been made a lot worse.

Never being one for goodbyes, I go straight to my room, pack up the small amount of shit I arrived here with, then avoid walking through the bar by making my way out the back exit to my bike.

It ain’t such a bad ride back, the roads are quiet this late, and I pull into the compound around 6.30am. Everything seems quiet, smoke’s still rising from the fire pit and there's a light on in the garage, meaning Rogue either came in early or she never left.

I ride straight past and up to my cabin, hoping that it hasn’t been occupied by someone else while I’ve been gone. The door is unlocked, and there’s a window propped open. I step inside and toss my bag on the table.

It smells clean and fresh, I figure Maddy or Marilyn have a lot to do with that. There’s even supplies for me to make myself a strong coffee. I take it outside with me and light up a smoke on the front porch, waiting for any sign of life to stir from the other cabins.

Half an hour, and three cigarettes later two bitches let themselves out of Squealer and Screwy’s place. Both of ‘em lookin’ worse for wear as they stumble back towards Sluts sanctuary. I recognize one of the girls from hanging around the club before I left, the other must be new.

“I swear that asshole's dick is gonna fall off one of these days.” I turn towards the voice and shield my eyes from the sun. “Good to see you back,” Maddy smiles down at me.

“Thanks for getting my cabin ready,”

“Welcome, I would have got you some food in but I only heard you were coming back last night.”

“How’s she been?” I ask, desperate to know. Maddy promised to keep an eye on Ella while I was gone and despite the fact she’s confined to the compound, I know she’d have somehow stuck to that promise.

“She started College in the fall, I’m all tapped into their security system so I can check the CCTV from time to time. I have cameras on her place too,” she tells me, looking smug.

“What?” I choke on the smoke I’m inhaling.

“I convinced Prez that it would be good to have some eyes on the house, you know, see who’s coming and going.”

“So?” I ask, needing her to tell me something, anything.

“There’s been nothing to suggest the Bastards are still interested, not since you went inside. But that doesn’t mean they’re not watching.”

“Is she okay, like, is she happy?”

Maddy slides down beside me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. And I’m surprised how it doesn’t feel strange.

“There’s only so much you can pick up on from watching CCTV, but she doesn’t look close to being happy, Nyx. Kinda like someone else I know.” She nudges me gently with her shoulder.

“It fucking sucks, Mads,” I tell her, pressing the heel of my palms at the porch step so hard that I feel the wood splinter my flesh.

“It won’t be forever,” she assures me, and I know she’s only saying that to make me feel better. The situation ain’t changing anytime soon between me and Ella. She’s still the Prez’s daughter and I’m still a fucking criminal. I even got the mugshot to prove it now.

“You better go see Tac, he’s missed you.” Maddy stands back up and dusts off the back of her jeans.

“Really?” I manage a smirk. Tac ain’t one for showing emotion.

“He’s been like a bear with a thorn in his paw since you left,” she giggles, making her way back over to her and Jessie’s cabin. “It’s good to have you back, Nyx,” she tells me before disappearing inside.

When I get to the studio, it’s all locked up, so I go round the back and bang on the door. I still don’t get an answer so I try calling Tac on his cell.

“What’s up?” he rasps groggily when he eventually picks up.

“I’m at the studio, where are ya?”

“It’s about fuckin’ time,” he chimes back, I can hear wet noises coming from the background.