Page 53 of Reckless Soul

“You fix the shit she caused. Get her back under control and start getting back our reputation. You’d think she’d have a better teacher.”

“I’m sorry,” Ella’s mom cries.

“Not as sorry as you will be if your little bastard whore makes any more mistakes,” he warns, tempting me to smash my way through the window and kill the fucker with my bare hands.

“Don’t hurt her, please.”

“I don’t have to hurt her, darling… that’s why I have you.” His final words settle a little relief in my chest but chill me at the same time. I got no fuckin’ patience for a man who abuses his wife, but for now, it seems Ella is safe from his hand. For as long as he has his human punch bag.

I wait for it to go silent before quickly scaling the wall and heading straight back to the club.

Now I really do have something to report to Prez, and I got a feelin' it ain't gonna go down well.

When I arrive back at the club, I go straight to the bar where Prez always hangs. He sees me enter and pulls the bitch giving him head straight off his cock by her hair.

“Clear the room,” he orders the others sharply. Thorne and Grimm get up without question, passing me on their way out. Followed by Cassie who kisses her lips at me as she passes.

“Thought I’d try her out for myself, see what everyone makes all the fuss about,” Prez explains, getting up and standing behind the bar. He tops up his glass and then fills a fresh one for me, nodding at it as he places it in front of me.

“Whatcha got for me, kid?” he asks as I pick it up and tip it back.

“Your judge is an asshole,” I tell him, placing the empty shot glass back on the bar. Prez immediately tops it up for me.

“You’re gonna need to tell me somethin’ I don’t already know?” He stares at his own shot before he swallows it and pours himself another.

“He beats on his wife.” I notice the way Prez’s tattooed fingers stiffen around the bottle he’s holding.

“But I don’t think he’s hurt Ella, he uses hurting her mom as a way of getting to her, and it works. She’s already told me how much she hates him, this has to be why.”

Prez nods his head thoughtfully, but I still got more.

“Don’t know if you know this, but Judge knows Ella ain’t his kid. I heard him and his wife talking tonight. He knows she’s yours and he resents her for it.”

“I figured,” Prez admits sighing heavily and staring at his empty glass. “There’s been too much Fed shit happening these past few years. That warrant for the raid a few months back was in his name.”

It makes sense. The Judge has pulling power, he can get away with pretty much whatever he wants if he has the right people on his side.

“Look kid, I know the job sucks, and I appreciate the work you’re putting in. A few more months and she’ll be going to college. She’s applied for Albuquerque and I got Maddy making sure that happens. I want her out of here, away from him. You think you can see this through for me till then?”

I don’t have to think about it, a few more months will give me the time I need to figure out a way out of this mess.

“Sure thing, Prez,” I agree, and he comes from around the bar and slaps my back.

“The moment she’s safe, you get your patch. I’ve spoken to the brothers individually, ain't one of them that don’t think you deserve it. You get my girl to college and you get a graduation of your own. I'm proud of ya.”

He’s the second person today to tell me he’s proud of me. I only remember ever hearing it once before. It was a few years ago when one of the Bastards came to the studio late one night and pulled a gun on Tac. Cunt thought Tac was on his own, he was wrong. I was out back, and I knew Tac kept a gun under the desk. I was quick enough to pull it out and hold it to that Bastard fucker’s head. And I felt no shame for pulling the trigger. He threatened a person I cared about and for that reason, his time was up.

I head out the room, making my way into the bigger, much noisier bar where everyone hangs out. There’re enough club whores working the bar to keep the guys topped up, and plenty this side to keep them entertained. So, I reach over and help myself to a bottle of vodka, then sit on one of the leather sofas and start to drink.After a head fuck of a day, I’ve just been thrown a lifeline by the man I’m betraying and I feel like shit for how grateful I am for it.

This time last night, I’d been balls fuckin’ deep, taking my Prez’s daughter's virginity. I’d sentenced myself to the death penalty, and just a few hours ago I’d shown my repent by taking her all over again.I’m pretty sure all this shit is gonna fall down around me and crush me in the middle. But right now. I have Ella, and I have time. I’ll figure everything else out somehow.

This morning I’m allowed to drive myself to school, which I’m convinced is more out of laziness on my dad’s part than forgiveness, but who gives a shit.

“You wanna tell me what you’re finding so funny, princess?” Nyx asks when I find him waiting for me by my locker.

“I was just thinking about something,” I shrug playfully, I’m in a ridiculously good mood today, and seeing him waiting for me has just made it even better.

“Tell me.” He rubs his lips together and gets comfortable, resting his shoulders back against my locker and crossing his arms across his chest. Clearly, he’s not gonna budge until I tell him. So I fess up.