Page 22 of Reckless Soul

“I hate my father,” she says without any trace of emotion. Passing the bottle over the desk to me. Her admission shocks me but makes me realize the advantages of playing along… Jessie and Prez know there’s something suss about the judge, and this is a good way of finding out what. So, for the sake of the club, not the heavy ache in my balls, I decide to play Ella Jackson’s game.

“Why d’you hate your dad?” I ask.

“Nah ah, that’s not the game, no questions. Your turn.” She shakes the bottle, reminding me to take it.

Taking the bottle from her hand, I down a good mouthful and wonder what she was flinching at, the stuff slides down your throat like liquid gold.

I don’t know where to start, I’ve never had to do this kinda shit with anyone, not even Tac. The club is a need to know kinda place, brothers don’t ask each other questions, no doubt because everyone there has their own secrets.

“I never knew my parents,” I admit, watching everything widen on her face. She stays in that shocked state for a good ten seconds, before pity makes its way to her eyes. I fuckin’ hate how it looks on her. There’s the reason I don’t talk about this shit.

“So you're an orph—”

“Nah ah, no questions remember,” I point out.

Ella twists her lips into a pout when I remind her of her own rules, and I hand the bottle back over. I want more of Ella Jackson’s secrets, all of them in fact. Even if that means having to give up a few of my own.

After another huge swig of her father’s expensive scotch, she wipes her lips with the back of her hands and scrunches up her eyes, placing the bottle back on the desk.

“I’m a virgin,” she blurts out, quickly shutting her eyes again and cringing like she regrets her words. My cock stretches against my jeans even tighter at the confirmation of what I’ve been pretty sure of since I cast eyes on her. Luke Robinson obviously knows jack shit.

“I ain’t,” I take my turn straight after. Ready to move on to her next confession.

“I don’t think you understand the concept of the game Nyx, you’re supposed to tell me something I don’t already know.” Her eyes roll and her sarcastic smile drops when she pulls the bottle to her lips again. Only this time she speaks before she drinks.

“Luke Robinson scares me,” she confesses before swallowing another huge mouthful. “I try to tell myself that he doesn’t and I hate that he makes me feel weak, but it’s the truth.” She lifts up her shoulders, seeming disappointed with herself. I can see how hard this is for her to admit, even if I already know it. I’ve known it since that first day I arrived, because with her I notice every little thing, including the way she cowers whenever he’s close to her.

I pick up the bottle from the table and drink a little more, leaning forward and making sure I have her full attention before I take my turn.

“I’d never let Luke Robinson hurt you,” I rasp, upping the intensity of the game by admitting that I care. My dick stretches even more when a sweet little smile finds its way to her lips. She’s so fuckin’ cute, and clearly a little tipsy.

She rounds the desk, clumsily dragging the bottle with her, then sits on its surface right in front of me.

“I feel safe when you’re around,” she whispers without taking her eyes off mine. She takes another swig, then her smile turns a little dopey as she moves forward, her ass leaving the desk as she rests a hand on the armrests each side of me.

Fuck, she’s gonna kiss me. Ella Jackson the Prez’s daughter is gonna kiss me. This is a cardinal sin, but as her hot lips move closer to mine, I already know they’re gonna taste too delicious to resist, especially now they’re laced with expensive scotch.

I know I shouldn’t let it happen. But I want it to happen too much to stop her. Luckily, her hand loses its grip on the armrest and she slips onto my lap. I quickly catch her, feeling the giggle that she lets out vibrate against my chest before I stand up, taking her with me. Turning us around, I place her steadily in the seat and her head lolls to the side sleepily.

Damn, she’s a lightweight.

I set to work tidying up the judge’s office so she won’t get in any trouble, putting the scotch in the back of the cabinet where she’d got it from, and erasing any traces that we’d been here. Then I scoop Ella’s small sexy as fuck frame into my arms and lift her up. She stirs slightly, nestling her head between my shoulder and neck. Having her close, holding her in my arms, actually hurts me, and I question why I’m doing this to myself.

Heading back out to the hall, I kick the door closed behind me then climb the stairs. It doesn’t take me long to locate her room, and when I do, I lay her down gently on her mattress before taking off her sneakers and covering her with a blanket. I sit on the edge of her bed facing away from her, my elbows resting on my knees, while my hands grip together just to prevent myself from touching her.

It’s impossible not to turn and look at her, to take in every single feature on her beautiful face. She’s fast asleep now, knocked out in a scotch coma, but it’s still my turn…

I could tell her anything I wanted; her sleepy state won’t remember it in the morning. So, soothing away the long strand of hair that’s fallen over her nose, I tuck it away behind her ear and tell her the thing I want her to hear the most.

“I think you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I whisper, taking the opportunity to stare at her up close for a little longer.

I silently laugh at myself for being so ridiculous, standing up and being gentle not to disturb her as I creep my way out to the balcony.

“I’ve dreamt about you every night since you came to me,”her sleepy voice responds from behind me, and when I turn my head back around and find her still fast asleep, I release the breath I’m holding.

Maybe I’m hearing things, or maybe there’s a chance that I was the vision that Ella Jackson had in her pretty little head when she got herself off that first night I came here.

And if I got nothing else in this cruel, unforgiving world. I got that.