Page 108 of Reckless Soul

“Nyx, I’m angry as hell at you, the only reason you're alive is because for some crazy reason my daughter is in love with you, and I ain't about to be the one who breaks her heart.”

“Never know I might grow on ya,” I shrug, hoping to lighten the mood.

“Don’t fucking count on it,” he stares back at me, his expression blank.

“I’m gonna speak to the girl in a few days, tell her the truth about where she came from,” he explains, and I nod in agreement, it’s gonna be a hard secret to keep from her, especially now that I know the full extent of the judge's abuse.

“What we gonna do 'bout the judge?” I ask, needing to make him pay.

“That’s gonna be your first order of business as a fully patched member. You, me and Jessie are gonna go pay him a visit.” Prez manages to keep his cool but only because he doesn't know the things I know.

“I wanna see that fucker burn for what he’s done to Ella, the sick bastard needs to suffer.”

“He’ll suffer, Nyx,” Prez promises. “You just put all your focus into protecting my girl. She’s all that fuckin’ matters. We ride out tonight, I’ll call for you when we’re ready.”

“I gotcha, Prez,” I agree, taking it as my cue to get the hell out of there, and getting straight on my bike.

Ella’s pacing nervously when I open the door. While Maddy sits squashed between Tac and Jessie on the couch. I have to do a double-take when I see Brax sitting in the armchair awkwardly holding my son. I’d doubt the guy is capable of being gentle with his own dick let alone a newborn baby.

“Nyx,” Ella throws her body onto mine, her arms wrapping around my neck and squeezing me tight. “What happened?”

Everyone else in the room looks tense while they wait for me to speak.

“He patched me in.” I put them out of their misery, still not believing the words coming out of my mouth. “It’s gonna be okay. Prez made me a member,” I explain to Ella.

She looks confused for a second, but then when I smile at her, her lips crash onto mine.

“So we can stay here?” she looks up at me hopefully.

“Yeah, darlin’ we can stay,” I tell her, placing her back on her feet and heading over to Brax.

“Who thought it would be a good idea to let Brax hold my kid?” I ask the room.

“Actually, he’s really good with him.” Ella takes the baby out of his arms.

“Right, Uncle Brax?” she jokes,

Me and Brax both look at each other. There’s no reason to keep the fact we’re brothers a secret, but now ain’t the time to drop that grenade, not when Ella is about to get the shock of her fucking life.

“Well, we should leave you guys to it.” Maddy slaps Jessie’s knee and stands up.

“Yep,” Jessie gets up and heads for the door, squeezing my shoulder on his way out. “I’m glad it all worked out, best get Brax outta here before he gets broody.” His lame joke earns him a scowl from my brother, but he still gets up and follows him out.

“Me and you are gonna talk about this,” Tac whispers as he pulls me in for a hug. “Gotta say it though,” he rolls his eyes over Ella. “I’da risked it too. Welcome to the family, darlin’,” he places a kiss on Ella’s cheek.

I wait for him to leave before I go to my girl, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her and my boy in close.

“I told ya it would be okay.” I kiss the top of her head. Still not believing what’s happening myself.

“And you got the cut.” She looks so happy for me. “Jessie explained that it’s kinda a big deal.”

“I’d give it all up for the two of you,” I tell her honestly. “Being at this club, being associated with us puts you in danger, but I promise I’d die before I ever let anything happen to either of you.”

“I like it here, I feel safe,” she tells me sweetly.

“He’s everything I thought I didn’t want, and now that he’s here I can’t imagine not having him.” I look down at our sleeping little boy, and Ella nods back, she completely understands what I’m saying.

“I wish I was there for you, all that time. I missed out on so much that we should have gone through together.”