Page 26 of Reckless Soul

“You know I’m going to have to exclude you for what you did today. You can’t urinate on fellow students and expect to get away with it.” She purses her lips together but soon slackens the tension in her face when I give her a wide, fake smile.

“I take it Luke Robinson will be joining me then?” I keep my eyes focused on her as she stares back at me blankly. “I was only giving him a taste of his own shit. Did he tell you that he stole Ella Jackson’s gym bag and pissed all over her stuff?” Her lack of response gives me the answer to my question.

“No… well, I assume that now you do, he’ll get the same punishment as me.” She closes her eyes while she tries to form words.

“I… um… Mr…”

“Let’s cut the fucking shit, shall we, Miss?” I watch her eyes double in size as I continue. “The reason Luke Robinson walks around this school like he fucking owns it, is because he pretty much does.”

“I don’t know what you’re suggesting… but…”

“I’m not suggesting anything.” I stand up from my chair and make my way to the other side of her desk, resting my ass on its surface just to her left. I look at the photograph of her family and fake a laugh. I have plenty of shit to worry about, but being suspended isn’t one of them. Prez isn’t stupid enough to have sent me here without a plan B, and thanks to Maddy, plan B is gonna be what keeps me here for as long as I need to be.

“Mr. Robinson Senior is generous ain’t he. One of the board of directors, I hear he’s made some impressive financial contributions to this place, am I right?” I tilt my head to the side and watch her start to panic.

“It isn’t a secret that Mich… Mr. Robinson has funded certain aspects of the school in the past, but that wouldn’t be a cause for me to treat his son any more favorably than any other student.”

I shake my head. “No, I guess it wouldn't, would it, Miss?” Leaning forward, I make sure I’m so close that her expensive perfume itches at my nostrils and that I’m causing her unease. “The fact that you’re fuckin’ his father might though,” I whisper.

She freezes, stunned into silence and as I pull back, I reach behind me to pick up the framed family photo. “Such a happy lookin’ family, where was this taken? It looks like a nice place.”

She snarls back at me like a caged tiger. “And Mr. K looks like a decent guy, what’s up with him? Doesn’t he do it for you anymore, Miss?”

“Nicolas, I suggest you stop there, what you are insinuating is not only ridiculous but impossible to make evident.” There’s a nervous quake in her voice now, all her authority completely vanished.

“Your daughter, she’s in 9th grade here, right?” I check. “I can only imagine the shit she’d have to take if your dirty little secret crawled its way out of the gutter.” I place the photograph back where it belongs, tweaking it myself into a perfect position.

“Tell you what, Mrs. K, I’ll privilege you with the same advantage you gave me. A warning. You won’t suspend me for what I did today, but you will punish Luke for what he did and for any more trouble he causes Ella Jackson. And as a thank you, I will assure you that the evidence I got that backs up my impossible allegations remains hidden. You get to keep your career, your reputation, and your flat fuck attempt at marriage all intact.”

Principal K stares back at me like she wants me dead, I don’t blame her for that, right now I really do have her wedged between a rock and a hard place. I stand up and make my way to the door, letting myself out and leaving it open.

“Was there anything else, Miss?” I ask in an all-American preppy boy voice making sure her receptionist hears. “No? Guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then.”

I wink at Rita the receptionist on my way out—she seemed to take a shine to me on my first day—before I walk back to the library feeling pretty fuckin’ smug. I can’t wait to put Ella’s worries about getting me in trouble at ease, even though I won’t be able to tell her how I fixed it.

When I get there, she’s already gone. And my bag is still on the table, a note sitting on top of it.

I hope you didn't get into much trouble. I’m sorry, I kept your hoodie to save me the shame of leaving in my gym kit. Will return it to you tomorrow. Unless you want to come get it tonight. (That’s an invitation BTW)

Ella x

She’s even gone out of her way to draw a winky face after her sarcastic comment, which makes me smile.

I head straight to the club to shower, then check in at the garage before I leave. Rogue has her head buried under a hood when I get there.

“Nice of you to show ya face,” she calls out over her music.

“I actually came here to see if you needed me for anything?” I bite back.

She straightens up and stares at me blankly, reminding me that Rogue has never needed anyone for anything in her life. Not from what I can gather anyway. There ain’t no denying the girl’s fuckin’ hot. In a totally psychotic, fuck with your head and your man business kind of way. Her blonde hair and makeup are always perfect, while her hands and pink colored overalls are usually covered with oil.

She’s a total contradiction of herself.

“In that case, I’ll head over to the studio.”

“Save your energy. I saw Tac head inside the club about an hour ago,” she informs me before getting back to work. Looking at the time, I realize how late it is. I must have spent longer jacking in the shower than I realized.

Heading across the yard to the club, I go in search for Tac. The last thing I want is for him to think I’ve abandoned my responsibilities at the studio, and I find him talking to Prez in the member’s only bar.