Page 110 of Reckless Soul

“As if I could, you know more about what goes on around here than I do these days.” I bend down and scoop her up, making her squeal when I throw her over my shoulder. I slam my palm down on her ass and carry her back inside my cabin, intending on making my woman come on my tongue at least twice before I go make that judge suffer.

“So how we doing this?” I check with Prez before we bust into the Judge’s mansion and reign hell. I’m behind the wheel as neither of these guys were in any fit state to drive, the tension is steaming off them. And Nyx looks like a hungry wolf about to tear into his prey.

“We gotta try and get a location for Chop.” Prez’s eyes focus forward. “That’s gonna be on you, Jess, and you won’t have long. I ain’t feeling patient.” He takes off his Dirty Souls ring and places it on the dash, then slides his knuckle duster over his fingers. There doesn’t need to be a vote to determine if this man lives or dies. He put his hands on Jimmer Carson’s daughter. Grimm is already a few blocks away, waiting for the call.

“We let Jessie do some talking, we get some answers on the Chop situation. Then we make him pay,” Prez goes over the plan.

“Jesus, Jess, I hope you ain’t got a fucking speech planned,” Nyx leans forward to tell me.

“Front or back door?” I ask, stubbing out the joint I’ve finished and feel my blood start to pump a little faster.

“Oh, we’re charging straight through that fucker’s front door,” Prez nods towards the house and I watch a dark smile pull on Nyx's face.

“Here,” Prez reaches under the seat and hands me one of the guns we picked up from the Russians last week, not that I’m gonna need it for this piece of shit. Then he reaches back under and pulls one for himself.

“Don’t I get one of those?” Nyx asks.

“You got a gun don’t ya?” Prez points out.

“Yeah, but so’s Jessie, why don’t I get one of those fancy new ones?”

“Because Jessie here didn’t knock up my daughter,” Prez answers simply, checking he’s got a full mag before he slides it back in.

“How long you think he’s gonna hold that against me?” Nyx asks me under his breath as we’re walking across the street.

“A lifetime.” I laugh to myself before we step up to the judge’s front door. His Porsche is on the drive so I’m guessing he’s home, and according to Ella her Mom’s away for the weekend. I attempt to count to three but don’t get past one before Nyx’s boot goes through the door and him and Prez pile inside.

It’s dark, all except for the flicking lights that are coming from the room at the back and when we step inside with our guns drawn, the judge is sitting on his couch staring back at us in shockwith his cock in his hand. I look at the screen and realize we’ve just caught Judge Jackson jacking off.

“I’d put that slug away before you lose it,” Nyx says, firing the first round of the night right at the judge’s cock. I don’t know if he missed on purpose to fuck him up, or if he’s just a shit shot. But there’s a neat little bullet hole in the judge’s pelvis to show for it.

Nyx launches forward and drags him off the couch on to his knees and presses his barrel into the back of his head.

“Judge Jackson,” Prez nods his head at him like he’s greeting an old friend. He’s coming off as calm but I know better.

“I came here to tell you that you won’t be seeing Ella or Joanne again,” Prez continues, slamming his brass knuckles hard into the judge’s face, then wipes under his nose with a bloody fist. It’s rare for Prez to get his hands dirty these days but I know the old man still breathes for this shit.

“You can’t hurt me, I’m a federal judge,” Jackson mumbles back, I’m pretty sure his jaw is busted and if it ain’t it will be.

“You really believe that.” Prez crouches down so he’s eye level with him. “You hurt my little girl, I don’t give a fuck what you are,” he growls at him, before spitting at his face. “You're gonna pay a heavy price for that motherfucker. But first, you’re gonna tell us where Tobias Saunders is.”

I move behind the judge, grabbing his arms behind his back and forcing him on to his feet. Nyx stands beside Prez and waits for an answer.

“I don’t know where he is,” Jackson says, still wearing a brave face.

“If you got any sense, you’ll tell us. We brought Jessie here for a reason,” Prez warns him.

“I don’t know where he is. He’s a ghost. He’s been trying to get me to hide him away for months,” he says.

“Let’s see shall we,” Nyx storms off and when Prez follows him, I shove the judge forward and we go too.

We turn his office upside down. There are files and files of shit he’s obtained over the years on the club, all information he could only have got from an insider. It seems Tommy was telling us the truth after all.

“You can spend all night looking, I don’t know where he is,” Jackson says after Prez asks him for the tenth time. They’ve battered his face unrecognizable and his body hangs limp in his office chair. “The last time anyone heard from him was when he came hereand threatened that little slut daughter of yours,” he manages. I watch Nyx pause from searching in one of the cabinets, lightning in his eyes as he thunders forward and rips the judge out the chair by his collar.

“What you just say?” he pushes his face hard into Jackson’s. The flames in his eyes scorching down on the judge’s.

“You heard what I fucking said. A slut just like her mother.” Prez tosses the papers in his hands and steps up behind Nyx and I know that my interrogation is over before it even got started.