Page 101 of Reckless Soul

“None of this is your fault,” she tells me, tears welling in her eyes as she wraps her arms around my shoulder.

“It makes me feel sick whenever I close my eyes and I think about his hands on me. How could he have done something like that to me, I’m his daughter.” I look at Maddy for answers, and all she can do is shake her head.

“Whatever happened, it's over now, you're safe here. This place may not be a mansion in Castle Rock but we all take care of each other. We’ll take care of you too, both of you.”

“And Nyx, is he safe? I heard you talking before, he’s in trouble, isn’t he?” I throw everything at her. I’m past trying to be discreet.

“Don’t worry about any of that,” she smiles at me, but I’m not convinced by it. It’s far too sad.

“Why are you doing all this for me?” I’m a stranger to these people, if I’m right and Nyx is in trouble with this Prez guy, why are they helping me?

“Get some rest. Nyx will be back soon and you guys have a lot to talk about. Just don’t doubt for a second that he didn’t mean what he said earlier about taking care of the two of you.”

“How can you be so sure?” I ask, my eyes heavy and struggling to stay open.

“Because of the risk he took tonight,” she tells me, and I don’t have the strength to ask what she means, because here, in a place I’ve never been before, surrounded by strangers, for the first time in a long time I feel safe.

I head back out onto the decking for some fresh air after Maddy takes over watching Ella. For me, the whole game’s changed now. Two people need me, two people that I ain’t prepared to lose. I have no idea what is gonna go down with Prez tomorrow, but before whatever shit storm he got planned for me hits, I have to be sure the person who tried to hurt them will never touch them again.

I’m gonna head out to Castle Rock and I’m gonna slit Judge Jackson’s throat.

"Tell me that ain’t your fuck up," a voice comes out of the darkness, catching me before I can head back through my cabin and get on my bike. When I look over my shoulder, I see Brax standing in the shadows of my deck.

"What you say?" I look him up and down, confused as to what the fuck he’s doing out here.

"Fuck Nyx, you stupid cunt!" He slams his boot hard into one of the pillars holding up the roof.

"I did everything I could to protect you from this." He talks through his teeth, shakinghis head at me like I’ve let him down or some shit. I barely know this guy. Nobody fuckin’ knows this guy. He’s just a nomad who stuck around little longer than usual, and right now I don't have the time, or the energy to be dealin’ with his crap.

"What do you mean you tried to protect me?" I shake my head at him, clearly, he’s snorted too much of Tac’s shit up his nose.

"I watched you, saw how close you were getting to her. Fuck Nyx, you were thinking with your dick instead of your head. Gettin’ really sloppy about hiding it too.” Brax is clearly frustrated. I try to take in all he’s saying, but none of it makes any sense.

“Do you wanna tell me what the fuck is going on here?” I step closer to him. I don’t care about his reputation, I’ll kick his ass into that lake if he don’t start talking some sense.

“Jesus, Nyx. The Bastards weren’t after her, they don't even know she exists. I was the one who told Prez they had eyes on her. I even stole a laptop and snuck onto their compound to do all those searches on her to back up my story ‘cause I knew he’d have Jessie’s bitch check it out.”

"What?" Heat flares under my skin as I lunge forward and fist the front of his T-shirt.

“I needed to have Prez pull you off the job. I wasn’t gonna stand back and let you get yourself killed over some bitch.”

“She wasn’t just some fuckin’ bitch, she meant something to me.” I shove him hard against the cabin wall and wait for him to fight back, with all the rage I got contained, he’d have to be some kind of titan to match me right now.

“Yeah, Nyx, and feelings for bitches like that get you fucking dead.” He looks back at me without a single trace of fear in his eye.

“She was pregnant, alone, and scared for months. Thinking I’d left her through fuckin’ choice,” I yell at him.

“Yeah, well I didn’t know about the kid, did I?” Brax looks at the floor as if he’s regretful for that part at least.

Not fuckin’ good enough.

“The judge hurt her. I almost lost the only thing in this world I ever cared about.” My grip gets tighter, and still, Brax doesn’t flinch. “I got no clue why you feel the need to interfere in my business, but next time, do me a favor and stay the fuck out.” I don’t have time to deal with him tonight. He’s only fueling my frustration. I’ll deal with this crap when I know the judge isn’t a problem anymore.

I release the grip I got on Brax’s T-shirt and go to head back inside.

“Because you’re the only fucking thing I ever cared about,” he says calmly before I make it through the door. My body spins back around just to check I just heard him right.

“What you say?”