“Please, Chop,” Carly cries, as his free hand lifts her skirt above her hips, and he frees himself from his jeans. “No. please…” she sobs, her beautiful eyes drowning now with terror. “Skid will be back soon. He’ll kill you. Don’t Chop… please.” Both her hands pull at his arm trying to free her neck, but he doesn’t budge.
Tears prickle my eyes as I watch him roughly hook her panties over to one side. It’s too much, I can’t watch anymore. I turn and bury my head into Jessie’s torso, listening to grunts and sobs combined, and Carly’s cries become weaker and weaker until eventually, they vanish.
Shock forces me to carry on watching what’s happening on the screen. Chop, one of my old man’s best friends forcing himself on his own brother’s wife. Carly pinned helplessly against the wall, crying as he thrusts his cock inside her over and over again. She fights against him to start with, but the cocky grin on his face only indicates how much he fucking enjoys her resistance. It doesn’t take long for her energy to give in to exhaustion and her fight fades to nothing.
With one hand firmly wrapped around her neck, Chop continues to rape Carly until her face turns blue. His grip becoming tighter and tighter as it slowly crushes the life from her body.
I hold Maddy closer, keeping her pressed against me so she can’t change her mind and watch the horror for herself. I cover her ears with my hands to try and muffle out sounds that are all too familiar to me. Spluttering coughs and gags, desperate gulps for breath, and then for the briefest of moments, groans when the fight comes back.
Carly’s hands push and scratch at Chop, and although I already know how this ends, I still pray that somehow she’ll get away.
She fights, hard, but he responds by ramming himself into her harder.
“There, you like that,” he speaks to her.
“See… I always knew there was a dirty girl hidden underneath that cute little smile. You just needed me to bring it out of ya.”
Carly shakes her head, defeated by his strength, her arms flopping beside her signaling that she’s reached that place. If the camera had been a few inches closer, I’d see it. Pleading eyes silently begging for death to hurry and come, followed by that flicker of relief as the lights dim from behind them.
Carly’s body sags heavily, drained of any life, and the sick fuck continues to thrust inside her. When he releases her neck, and her head slumps forward, he pins it back to the wall pressing his forehead hard against hers.
“I gave you chance after chance, I told you one day I’d have you for myself. It didn’t have to be like this. But you thought you were too good for me.” He speaks to her as if she can still hear him.
“And look at you now, no more special than the others.” His body spasms, and he moans as he finishes inside her. His heavy body propping up her lifeless one.
“You never even gave us a chance,” he tells her. “Helen, Mary-Ann, I destroyed them all. I never wanted to break you too.” An evil laugh escapes his mouth as he takes her body in his arms and lays her out on the floor beside the sofa, pulling her skirt back in to place and with a grunting laugh he looks down at her like she’s nothing.
“Skid’s perfect old lady,” he says to himself. “Will you look who fuckin’ owns you now, bitch.” He steps over her body and disappears from the camera's view.
He doesn’t leave straight away, shuffling around the cabin for a few minutes, before finally, I hear the door closing and tires screech off. Then there’s nothing, just the sound of wind chimes.
I slam the laptop shut and kneel in front of Maddy.
“It's over now,” I tell her, keeping her so tight to me I worry I might crush her. Her sobs don’t stop, and all I can do is hold her, while pure anger builds in the pit of my stomach and spreads through my body.
Mary-Ann? I heard him say her name. Wondered if he meant Prez’s old lady, Hayley’s mom? I can’t make any sense of it.
“He raped her,” Maddy manages between snuffles. “She was his brother’s wife, and he raped her and then…”
“Ssssh I know. We’ll get him, he’ll pay.” Part of me wants to toss the footage, pretend I never saw it, but where would the justice in that be. I have no idea how I’m gonna tell Skid, one of the nicest guys I know, that his own brother just raped the love of his life. But he has to know so he can see Chop off on his journey to hell.
“I was right there Jessie. I was sleeping.”
“You couldn’t have done anything, Chop would have hurt you too and Christ, Mads, the fact he didn’t is about the only thing that’s keeping me together right now.” I kiss her hair not daring to imagine what I’d be capable of doing if anyone tried hurting her like that.
“She was so happy. She was gonna tell Skid about the baby, and now her last memory was him… it’s unbearable to think about, Jessie.” My girl crumbles in my arms all over again, and there is nothing I can do or say to fix her.
I sniff at her hair hoping to feel that calm she usually brings me, but it doesn’t come, and so I carry Maddy back to our room and tuck her into our bed. I place a kiss on her cheek, and let the taste of her tears touch my lips.
“I need to call Prez,” I tell her, and her eyes don’t pull away from the spot on the wall she’s focusing on when she nods her head. “I’m gonna be in the next room. You need anything?” Her head shakes a no but her eyes still don’t move, and I can feel her slipping further and further away from me.
“Mads. You know this means none of this was your fault. It wasn’t the Bastards, they weren’t looking for you. This was…” Who am I kidding, I have fuck all clue what this is. “This ain't on you, Maddy.” I untwine my hand from hers and leave her with her thoughts, waiting until I’m out of earshot before I pull out my cell and call Prez.
“What's up?” he answers.
“You need to come to my cabin. Alone…” I tell him and hang up before he can argue. Sure, he’s dealing with the unimaginable himself, but after the shit I’ve just seen, we’re gonna need him to be a fucking leader and pull us the right way out of this mess.
Prez gets to me in less than ten minutes, and I waste no time showing him why he’s here. Sitting him at the table, I hit the play button and lean against my kitchen counter, intentionally making sure I’m the other side of the screen this time. I watch his face turn white, and his eyes flare with the same shock and anger as mine.