“She just took Prez up something to eat,” I answer Troj’s question, curious to why it matters to him.
“You see her sun snatchin’ in that bikini? That fuckin’ body man. No wonder you’re hoarding her in the cabin all for yourself. Maybe I should move back in,” he threatens with a playful wink.
“Maybe you should shut your mouth before I fill it with my dick, asshole,” I snap back.
“What's the deal anyway?” Squealer asks. “You fuckin’ it?” His head gestures over to where she bounces along the path towards us, wearing a smile that lights up her whole face.
“She’s off limits.” My eyes dart a warning between them all. Screwy too, he may not have much to say for himself, but that doesn’t stop his cock walkin’ the fuckin’ walk.
“Says who? You ain’t made no claim,” Squealer reminds me, continuing to look her over as if she’s just another club bitch.
“You waitin’ on the Prez’s approval?” Troj asks, sounding serious now.
“While he’s waiting, I don’t mind being the warm-up act.” Squealer laughs and it takes all I have not to rip the fucking pick from his teeth and dig it through his eyeball, even Screw’s lips raise up into a sneer. I’d seen the way every single one of my brothers watched her walk into the lake earlier, admiring how the sun sparkled against her wet skin and how she’d hopped from foot to foot over the pebbles, every curve on her body dancing as she moved.
She. Is. Mine. And I feel a crushing pressure to make sure everyone around me knows it. I ignore the fuckers, leaving them behind me to walk towards her. Completely driven by the need to make sure everyone gets my message loud and clear. I can’t think about how it might fuck off Prez, even if it does, it won’t stop me. The closer I get to her, the higher that smile reaches on her face. I’ll speak with Prez, I’ll tell him everything, and I’ll take the fuckin’ consequences.
“Hey,” her sweet voice chirps, and I don’t answer. Instead, I lean in, grab the back of her head, and pull her to my lips. She freezes at first, but it doesn’t take long for her mouth to open for me, letting me in to taste that delicious tongue. This is nothing gentle, I’m rough, territorial, and by the time I’m satisfied I’ve made my point to our audience, we’re both starved of breath.
I need to get us out of here before I pull up that pretty little sundress and fucking own her right the fuck here, to really hammer home my point. When I pull away, her eyes are distracted over my shoulder.
“Everyone’s looking at us,” she whispers, looking suddenly embarrassed.
“Good, let them fuckin’ look, darlin’.” Taking her hand, without looking back, I drag her through the woods towards my cabin.
“Jessie where we going?” she giggles, struggling to keep up with my pace.
“I’m taking you home, I need to be inside you again.” I march us along the path that leads to home.
“Jessie.” Her voice holds a doubt that stops me moving forward, causing her body to accidentally tumble into mine.
“What is it?” I turn around, praying she isn’t gonna back out of this, not now. Not after I’ve had a taste of how good it is with her.
“I’m not on anything, I should have said something last night, but you kinda distracted me,” she says, an awkward look on her face, as she fiddles with the seam of her dress.
So fucking cute.
“That ain't a problem, I’ll speak to Doc tomorrow. Get that situ sorted ASAP,” I assure, kissing her forehead with a relieved sigh before setting off again.
“Jessie.” She stops me again, tugging my arm back. “I don’t know what this is… but you need to know. I’m not one of them, I won’t be passed around between you all. What happened last night, I did because it was with you, I don’t want to be a club… whatever it is you call them. And I’m not asking anything of you, but…” her voice trembles as she speaks, and I never thought hearing the words she just said would bring someone like me satisfaction. I place a finger over her lips, forcing her to stop rambling, I’ve heard all I need to.
“Damn straight you’re not one of them. You’re mine. I won’t be sharing.” I move a strand of damp hair away from her freshly sun-kissed face. “I ain’t ever done anything like this before, Mads, I can’t change who I am, and I’m probably gonna fuck up at times. But I’ll never intentionally hurt you. You reckon you can see past all that shit and give not being normal with me a try?” I lay it out for her because I have fuck all to lose and everything to gain.
Waiting for her response seems to take forever, but as a tiny smirk teases her lips, I dare to hope that she’s in. She stretches up on to her tiptoes, her lips brushing lightly over my jaw before she whispers inside my ear.
“I’m yours. If you think you can take me.” Her eyes glisten as they glance sideways, her words traveling directly to my cock and leaving me at a disadvantage when she runs. She skips over fallen branches and jumps rocks making the most of the head start she’s got on me. I let her get far enough ahead to make it a good chase, then set off after her. Catching up in just a few seconds, she squeals when my hands grab at her waist and I pull her back into me.
“Oh, darlin’, I’ma take you,” I promise. “All the fuckin’ way.”
I throw her over my shoulder, slap my palm hard onto one of her ass cheeks, and carry the girl laughing all the way back to my cabin. It’s silent with everyone down at the lake, and I’m gonna make my girl scream loud enough that they all hear that she’s untouchable. Of limits. Mine.
When Skid’s front door opens and Tommy steps outside, he seems shocked to see us together.
“Everything okay, Grunt?” I lift my head and call over to him.
“Yeah, just returning Uncle Skid’s drill, had some shit to fix in one of the cabins down in Sluts sanctuary.”
I nod back and leave him to it. Kicking open my cabin door and carrying Maddy inside, I sit her up on the kitchen counter. Standing between her legs, I kiss down her neck, crossing her collarbone, and pull her dress straps off her shoulders. I grab a fist at the front of her dress and rip it down, leaving it to rest underneath her tits. Taking them in each of my hands, I run my nose through the tight gap I leave between them, then reach around her back and pull on the strings that hold her bikini in place.