Squealer stops me just as I’m about to step outside, he’s got one of those devilish glints in his eye that always comes out when pussy’s around.
“Fuck, man, you really going out there?” he asks, looking disappointed, I nod back wondering what his problem is.
“Shit… Well, I’m calling dibs before you get your pretty boy ass out there. Blonde bitch out by the firepit.” He looks back over his shoulder.
“Pretty little thang, actually got me fucking grafting. So, you and that all-American charm thing you do can go get fucked. I’m going to get her a drink.” He winks at me and rubs his hands together. Then he relieves a twitch in his nostril by pressing it with his thumb and taking a deep sniff. Clearly, he’s already buzzed, and I pity whatever bitch he’s set his mark on.
The guy’s fucking relentless without a high. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
I head over to the firepit keeping my eyes open for Hayley. My head must really be fucked because instead of seeing the blonde chick who’s got Squealer’s cage all rattled, I swear I see Maddy sat on the other side of the flames. Her long, blonde hair, and perfect, wide eyes taunting me as she looks up from the fire across to me. The girl needs to get the fuck out of my head.
Moving closer, I curse myself for being pathetic, if I’m gonna start transforming every blonde bitch I see into her I’m gonna be in real trouble.
The smoke is thick and clouds most of my vision, but I still see no sign of Hayley. And when I step out of the smoke and everything becomes clearer, my frustration quickly switches up to full on fuckin’ rage. What I’m seeing ain’t no fucking illusion, it is Maddy.
My fucking Maddy.
I hold back the urge to find Squealer, rip his dick off, and feed it to his twin fucking brother while I double check, but I know it’s her alright. That weary look as she takes in her surroundings, how her teeth sink so deep into her bottom lip I’m sure they’ll leave a mark. She’s unmistakable.
I stand and watch her for a while, noting how she wraps her arms around her shoulders, clearly insecure about the situation she’s in. Who can blame her when Tac is screwing the womb out of some bitch up against the hood of his jeep just ten-feet away from her? Grimm is sat on the log beside her, staring into the flames like fuckin’ hell boy. And to top all of that, she’s just had to tolerate whatever Squealer’s idea of grafting is.
Hayley appears out of thin fuckin’ air, bouncing on her feet like she doesn’t have a single care in the world. Anger keeps the blood pumping around my body in place of a heartbeat. Maddy shouldn’t be here, she doesn’t belong here. I told Hayley to back off and leave her be. She had no business bringing her here tonight.
Hayley sees me coming and straight away looks guilty. She knows what she’s done.
I’m about to speak… no, I’m about to fucking rage, but then I make that same mistake of looking at Maddy first. Seeing her bottom lip release from her teeth and raise into a smile, those eyes lighting up her face as well as my fucking soul. And she steals all the words from my mouth.
“Hey,” Hayley sounds chirpy, she can tell she’s pissed me off, so she’s either nervous or being sarcastic. When I scowl at her, she immediately looks hurt.
“You girls got everything you need?” I ask, trying to keep my shit together for Maddy’s sake. But I can’t help eyeballing Hayley over her shoulder so she knows I’m beyond pissed at her. Maddy answers me, her voice, soft and timid. A voice that don’t fuckin’ sound right in these surroundings.
“We’re good thanks, umm…”
“Squealer,” I hear Squealer say his own name from behind me, and the prick’s lucky I don’t spin around and punch him right in his ink covered throat.
“Squealer,” she repeats his name, and just hearing it come off her tongue makes my fists clench into cannonballs of fire. He nods and gives her a huge grin, then leans over me to pass her a beer.
“Thanks,” she laughs, taking the bottle from his hand.
“Somethin’ got ya tickled, darlin’?” he asks her, licking his lips and looking at her like she’s a snack.
“Squealer’s just a funny nickname is all.” Her eyes assess his tall, well-stacked body. “Guess you just don’t seem much like the squealing type,” she tells him with a giggle. I watch the fucker lean into her real close… too fuckin’ close.
“I ain’t the one who does the squealing, darlin’,” he whispers, just loud enough for me to hear. Then turning his attention to me, he wrinkles up his nose and sticks out his long tongue.
“Then who does?” Maddy asks, innocence radiating from her like a fucking halo. Someone calls out to Squealer from the other side of the fire, he doesn’t know it, but whoever it is just saved him.
“Stick around you might be lucky enough to find out.” He winks at Maddy before heading off in the direction of the voice that called him.
“Hayley. A word.” I glare at her and notice her cocky mouth has nothing to say as she follows me out of Maddy’s earshot.
“What the fuck is she doin’ here?” I ask, trying real hard not to yell.
“She’s my friend…” she starts to explain.
“We both know that’s fuckin’ bullshit, so what’s the crack, Hay?” She looks back at me unapologetically, crossing her arms over her chest before she speaks.
“Okay, you want me to tell you the real reason she’s here?” she asks, I nod and wait for her explanation.