Maddy’s head tips back, forcing her hot flesh closer to my mouth and I take it. My tongue rolling and my lips pulling at those perfect nipples until she’s moaning that soft sound that makes my cock ache even harder to be inside her. I leave a trail of kisses all the way down her body, keeping her dress moving with me. When I stop at her hips, she reads my mind, lifting her ass up off the counter so I can rid her of it altogether. Then with a quick tug on the strings either side of her bikini bottoms, she’s fully bare and mine to be taken.
I spread her legs open wide, and my tongue reacquaints with her center. Sliding up through her pussy lips and absorbing that sweet, unique taste that belongs to me now. Her nails scrape against my scalp, gripping a fist load of my hair and making me want to give her every pleasurable sensation imaginable.
The innocent little creature has somehow turned sex on its head for me. Changed it into something I don’t recognize but can’t get enough of. It isn’t about rushing to get release anymore. Everything is for her, her pleasure is the trigger to mine, and we’re both getting off as her delicious pussy trembles against my tongue.
Her hips wiggle, keeping tight to my face, needy and hungry for more. And more is exactly what I give her when I stand back up and without warning thrust two fingers inside her. I slam my mouth onto hers, and she moans into me. Breaking away so she can look between us, she watches intently as I finger fuck her tight little snatch until it erupts around my hand.
My other hand releases my cock, then grabs a hold of her ass as I drag us both down to the floor. I may not have had the patience to get us to the bedroom, but I do enter her slowly. Savoring her tightness as it strains around my cock, pushing deeper until she’s taken every inch of me. She whimpers a little, probably still a little sore from last night, but when her eyes open back up and she smiles, I know she’s okay.
I try to remind myself that this is all new to her as I stir my cock inside her. The last thing I want is to hurt her, but the urge to pound into her almost chokes me.
“You’re mine now, Mads, you understand that?” I thrust a little harder. Her head bobs up and down in agreement, but it doesn’t seem good enough.
“Say it out loud.” My fingers press hard into her ass.
“Yours,” she says without hesitating, the chill of her blue eyes burning like frostbite into mine.
“But…” she starts, and fuck, I don’t think I can handle a but right now. That doesn’t stop my hips, rotating into her as I wait for the words. Her hand grips my hair tighter, almost painfully.
“You… you’re mine too. No more of them. I don’t wanna share either.” She holds me with her eyes, daring me to argue back… As if I fuckin’ would.
“You got me, darlin’.” It comes out sounding exactly like the warning it is, and I slide my hands all the way up her arms and take her wrists, pushing them up over her head and pinning her to the floor. I let her have it, all of me. My cock sliding easier in and out of her body every time it re-enters.
I’m close, so close that I feel the blood rushing to my head, but I need to hold out for her. I’m relieved when her legs start shaking against my hips, and I know she’s almost with me.
I need to pull out of her, she’s unprotected.
Maddy screams out, clawing at my T-shirt as her pussy clamps around me. Owning me, and the sensation keeps me trapped inside that magic little slit of hers. The thought of her draining everything out of me makes it even harder to stop.
“Jessie, fuckin’ god, Jessie.” Her nails dig through the fabric and scratch at my skin, and it takes every scrap of my willpower, but somehow I manage to pull out. My cock landing hard between us, and long beads of cum shooting all over her sun-bronzed stomach.
I grip her hands a little tighter and feel myself twitch against her warm skin.
“You have no idea what it took to fucking stop that firing inside you,” I sigh, letting my head fall down and press against hers.
“Can I taste it?” she asks, and my head shoots up to check I’ve heard her right. She blushes as she looks down her body. I close my eyes and take a breath before I answer her. The girl is too much to fucking take.
Sliding through the warm sticky mess I’ve made on her, I soak my finger, then slowly outline her already open lips. I watch her tongue trail behind it to lick them, and then she takes my finger inside her mouth and sucks it clean, releasing it with a pop.
“Maddy Summers you fucking own me,” I whisper into her ear before sagging on top of her, exhausted, not just physically, but mentally from all the things this girl’s got me wanting.
Knowing where I stand with Jessie is a relief from a burden I didn’t even know I was carrying. We don’t go back to the party, everything we need is right here in his cabin. He promises he will speak to the doc tomorrow to sort out birth control, despite me telling him I’d be happy to eat him clean whenever he needs me to.
This morning we both smile pathetically at each other while we eat breakfast, and he gives me the sweetest, drawn-out kiss before he heads out the door. It’s barely closed behind him when I realize he’s left his phone on the table, so I pick it up and chase him out.
He’s just about to mount his bike and looks back when I call his name, instantly turning my bones to jelly. I ignore the other guys, some on their porches, others waiting on their bikes, as I skip down the steps.
“You forgot this,” I smile. Everyone around us fades into the background and out of existence when he takes the phone out my hand.
“Thanks, darlin’.” He moves towards me, knocking me off guard when his hand slides round the back of my neck, drawing me to him. He kisses me. Hard. Not gentle or soft, but primal, and I want to drag him back into the cabin and make him fuck me all over again. With his fist still tangled in my hair, he takes a long breath through his nostrils before releasing me.
This is a snip of the Jessie I got down in that rotten basement, and as much as I love his kind side, I’d be lying if I said brutal Jessie didn’t turn me on a little too.
God, I’ve already spent too long with these people.
The whoops and wails from around us soon bring me back down to earth, and Jessie smirks when he pulls away. There seems to be a happiness that I’ve never seen on his face before now, and it spreads warmth from my cheeks all the way down to my toes.
“Eyes off my bitch, Squealer,” Jessie says without taking his eyes off me. I quickly look over my shoulder to Squealer, who’s staring mouth open. His hands lift into the air as if he’s being held at gunpoint. I suddenly remember that I’m only wearing one of Jessie’s T-shirts.