Sure, I’m a monster, but would I have really been capable of that?
Maddy just saved me from having to find that out. I need out of this room, right the fuck now. The thin string holding my restraint together is liable to snap any moment. I nod, letting her know that she’s satisfied me with her answer… for now. Then unwrapping her legs from my waist, I place her shaky feet back on to the ground and pull away from her completely. Her lips quiver as I back away and her head shakes fearsomely, I can’t tolerate the hurt in her eyes a second longer, so I turn away from them.
“No,” her voice yells out, all weak and broken from behind me, but I ignore it.
“No, you can’t,” she screams. “You said if I told you…”
I stop moving, turn around, and look back at her perfect body stretched out, wrists tied above her head. There’s a furious look on her bewitchingly beautiful face. I wonder how the hell I’d found the strength to stop.
“Yeah, and you told me,” I remind her, my cock still hard as steel and my mind confused as fuck.
“So why are you leaving?” she asks, her voice soft and painfully innocent.
I leave, not quite sure if I’ve lost my head or my balls when I get myself the fuck out of that basement. Because leaving is the only way of stopping me becoming the victim of my own fucking interrogation.
He’s stripped me of everything, my clothes, my dignity, and worst of all… my self-respect. He had been right about two things at least. He is good at what he does, the best. I have no reason to doubt his self-proclaimed title. And he’d definitely been right about the second, he didn’t have a conscious bone in his body. Knowing all this should put me off him, but it almost makes me want him a little bit more.
I rub my legs together, trying to sustain the ache he’s left between them, the ache that I’d been sure he was gonna make better if I told him the truth. I hadn’t even been nervous when his cock was about to enter me. Desperate, and emptiness is all I’d felt, and the need for him to fill it became the only thing I could focus on. And now my selfishness could have cost my mom her life.
For his plan to work Jessie must have seen me coming for miles, he’d have read the way I acted around him. Noticed how much I liked him. Maybe he even guessed that I fantasized about him being my first, or maybe Hayley had told him. Either way, he’d used it to taunt me, found my weakness and then shattered me with it piece by piece.
I deserve everything I get for being stupid enough to believe a guy like Jessie would ever be into a girl like me. He never did take me out for that ride, and why would he? I’m boring and dull and don’t have the experience like the club girls Hayley told me about. I don’t have any experience at all.
Had I wanted him so badly, that I’d blanked out the sheer brutality of this whole fuck up?
My best friend is dead. I’m their prisoner, being kept in an overheated room, forced to stare at the blood stains of people who were no doubt kept down here before me. Jessie has licked, yes, licked blood from my raw flesh, blood that he spilled when he’d cut me with the blade of his knife. The same knife that the sadistic sex Satan had pressed against me, setting alight nerves up until now I never knew existed.
I should have been stronger, let him walk away when he threatened to leave me writhing for him. But I’d had no choice, my lady parts had already overtaken my head and my mouth.
Turns out I never had the choice in the first place. Despite telling him the only secret I have. The one that if the guy I work for knew I’d told another living soul, would no doubt fulfill his promise and kill me and my mom. And now we’re both as good as dead.
It hurts that Jessie is the one punishing me, and now he’s left me down here to wait, panicking over what will happen next. Nobody here is gonna help me, I’m responsible for the death of their president’s daughter. Hayley died saving me. Maybe that’s what this has been about all along for Jessie. Not an interrogation, but a punishment.
Well, it worked, because despite the worry of what Jessie is gonna do with his new information, I can’t seem to distract myself from the frustration that lays heavy in the center of my body. Yes, Jessie’s torture mission has been a success, he’s left me pulsing with need. Desperately wanting anything he’ll give me, even down here in this horrifying dirty room that I’m starting to believe will be the place I die.
The darkness turns heavier, and my arms ache heavily as darkness steals the last of the light from the room. The door to my prison is opened, and Skid steps inside followed in by a petite, dark-haired woman, her smile is so warm I know she has to be Carly. She makes straight for me and pulls the T-shirt back over my body. Then Skid unties me, and my arms fall at my sides like lead weights.
“Are you letting me go?” I ask with a tiny glimmer of hope…
“Not exactly, sweetie.” The woman's voice is equally as kind as her smile. “Jessie spoke to Prez, and he’s gonna let you sleep in one of the rooms upstairs.”
“I just wanna go home.” I start to cry, I can’t carry on anymore. I feel so guilty for what’s happened to Hayley, and for what is likely to happen to Mom. They can kill me if they want to, I just wish they would hurry up. The woman catches me when my knees give way.
“Come on, it’s been a tragic day for everyone… You wanna get some sleep, don’t ya?” She smiles. I manage to nod back, though I doubt I’ll ever sleep again after today.
“So let us take you upstairs. Jessie just wants to ask you a few more questions, and then you can get some rest.” She strokes my arm. “Maddy, answer the questions, sweetie. Even if you think it will get you in trouble with the people who killed Hayley, okay?” The seriousness in her tone has me completely defeated, and I find myself agreeing. Either way, I’m gonna get hurt, my mom is probably already dead. What’s the worst that can possibly happen to me now?
Carly, followed by Skid, leads me out of the room, then up the stairs where the air is thinner. The club seems different to how it had been the night Hayley brought me here, there’s an eerie silence filling the huge reception room as I follow Carly through it and then up another staircase. Climbing the steps one by one, I fear who waits for me on top of them. I’d known who Jessie was, and what he was a part of. But I never expected him to hurt me.
That blonde hair and heavenly smile had sure managed to fool me, because right now it feels like he’s ripped out my heart and crushed it to ash in his fist. I understand he’s hurting but, Hayley was my friend too. My only friend, and she’s dead because of me, surely that was punishment enough.
We reach the top of the stairs and I walk along the narrow landing. It’s a long way down to the reception when I look over the railings, and a part of me wants to throw myself over them just to make the pain stop.
Skid opens one of the doors, gesturing with his massive arm for me to step inside, and Jessie is already waiting for me. He sits in a chair in the corner of the room, bottle in one hand cigarette in the other, looking tortured. Despite everything he’s just done to me I still want him to hold me so we can share our grief together.
“Sit down,” he orders, tilting the neck of his bottle towards the single bed, I move towards it and sit on the mattress.
“You can leave,” he tells Skid and Carly, his eyes not moving from mine.