Page 31 of Lost Soul

“You could have died. Not that it matters now, your dad’s gonna kill us both when he finds out about this anyway,” I remind her.

“I just wanted to have a little fun,” she shrugs, her voice weakening.

I let out a defeated sigh and sit beside her on the bed, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. All my anger seems to vanish when I see the sadness laying behind her eyes. She’s right. What sort of life does she have all alone at the lodge every night? How can I blame her for acting out?

“Look I’ll speak to your dad, see if we can sort something, I ain’t promising shit, but I’ll try,” I tell her calmly as I can. Her mouth lifts into a smile that tells me we’re okay.

“You scared me kiddo,” I admit.

“I scared myself. I’m so sorry, Jessie. It won’t happen again,” she promises. “Besides I feel like utter shit.” She closes her eyes.

“You deserve to feel like shit.” I nudge her with my shoulder then take her hand and pull her up from the bed. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

She follows me out to the hall where we meet Maddy coming out of the bathroom.

“Thank god you’re okay,” Maddy sighs, launching herself forward and throwing her arms around Hayley. “I didn’t know what to do. I had to call him.” Hayley looks guilty for what has to be the first time ever.

“I’m so sorry, your mom… what must she think?” Hayley’s hands cover her face shamefully.

“Relax, she hasn’t come home yet,” Maddy stops her fretting.

“I’m gonna get her home. You good?” I ask Maddy, and it doesn’t matter how hard I try not to make eye contact, those eyes pulled me in like iron to a magnet.

“I’m good,” she tells me. I lift my head as a goodbye before I brush past her and bolt down the stairs to my bike.

From now on I need to keep myself as far away from Maddy Summers as possible.

No one cages a wolf with a deer and expects it not to devour.

I wait on my bike for Hayley to come out, kicking it to start and revving up the engine hoping it might hurry her up. When she comes outside her eyes open up wide, and her mouth hangs open.

“Problem, darlin’?” I call over the loud rumbling.

“You want me to ride the back of your bike?” she asks, managing a massive smile despite how shitty she must feel.

“Well, I don’t want you riding on front of it,” I tease.

“It’s just I’ve never…” She looks at me still in shock. She’s right, I can’t remember Hayley ever riding on a bike, which was unthinkable considering who her dad is.

“First time for everything, pretty girl. Hop on we gotta get you home before Daddy wakes up and realizes Rapunzel let down her fuckin’ hair.”

Hayley nods, taking a deep breath before she climbs on behind me. Her arms wrapping around my waist and squeezing tight. I check over my shoulder that she’s ready before I take off real steady. On the ride home she rests her head on my back, but her body is tense enough to let me know she’s still awake, I still worry about her falling asleep the whole way back.

There’s no sign of life when we get to the club, the firepit is still smoking and empty bottles scatter the dusty yard. I ride right on past, straight to the lodge. Hayley's legs are a little wobbly from her first ride when she gets off and hugs me tightly.

“Thanks, Jessie... You should go get yourself some sleep,” she whispers. I nod back at her, then watch her inside. I should listen to her advice, head back to my cabin for some sleep but I’m wound up too tight. Pissed at myself for taking my eyes off her long enough to let her get into danger, I’d let myself get distracted by something I can’t even fucking have.

What I need is a release, one that not even a club slut with a diploma in riding dick could satisfy. It’s time for Cobie Turner to learn from both the very fatal mistakes he made last night.

Number one: You don’t supply drugs in Manitou Springs.

Number two: You don’t go giving those drugs to the most powerful man in town’s daughter.

The scrawny figure sits tied to a chair in the middle of the room when I get down to the basement, and I resist the urge to smile. He’s pretty busted up already but it doesn’t surprise me, Troj wouldn’t have left all the fun for me. What does have me smirking, is the fact he looks almost relieved to see me.

“Please,” his weak little voice speaks out. “Whatever it is, I’m sorry. Just let me go, man… Please… My dad’s got money.” The closer I get, the more the stench of his piss offends me.

“See you met my friend,” I say, taking a look over Troj’s handy work.