Still doesn’t stop me thinking about how good her open thighs would feel pressed against my legs if she rode the back of my bike. Her dainty arms gripping tightly around my waist as I throttle the fuck out of the engine, making sure she feels its vibration all the way through her pussy. Thoughts of making those big, round, innocent eyes of hers glint with wickedness makes me steel fucking hard—fuck, I ain’t never thought about putting a girl on the back of my bike before.
I shake the thoughts out of my head as I leave my cabin, jumping on to my bike and making the short ride down to the club. First thing I’m gonna need is a drink, the second is for Mel to ride this persistent boner right fucking out of me. And I already know exactly whose pretty little face I’ll be thinking of while she does it.
It doesn’t take long for me to learn her name; what people ever did before Facebook doesn’t bare thinking about. Maddy Summers. Even her name is a sparkling rainbow of unicorn vomit. I try to look for more information, but her profile is tight. So, my finger ‘accidentally’ slips and I send her a friend request—better the devil you know than the devil you don’t, right?
Leaving my phone on the bed I draw myself a hot bath, trying my best to keep Maddy-perfect-fucking-Summers off my mind while I soak. Besides, tomorrow night I will be at the party, Jessie will be taking me, and everyone from college will see us together.
I’ve already decided to wear the dress I’d picked up at the mall last week. The one that’s far too short and looks like it’s been sprayed onto my skin. Jessie likes it when girls dress like that for him, which is why this whole Maddy Summers nonsense makes no sense.
I finish up in the bathroom, and when I check my phone I notice she’s already accepted my request.
Phase one complete. Now I just have to do what Jessie asks of me and get some information, before I scare little miss sunshine away for good. I start by sending her a friendly message, the icebreaker.
The, hi, don’t we share an English class together? kinda crap that gets people talking.
I get a reply almost immediately and feel a smile like the Grinch that stole Christmas raise the corners of my mouth. This is gonna be too easy.
After a few messages, I bore of her small talk. Tonight has been a success, and I intend to celebrate it.
Instead of pulling on some sweats and settling to watch the usual reality crap on TV, I squeeze into my tight skinny jeans, and put on the black top that hangs just a little off my shoulders. I even brave open-toe heels knowing the walk down to the club could be quite a trek. But it’ll be worth it.
Putting my phone inside my clutch, I snap it shut and leave for the club.
Daddy will be mad at me. I know the rules about going down to the club after dark. But I have to risk it to see the look on Jessie’s face when I tell him what I’ve done. I can’t wait to see his proud smile when he finds out how far I’m prepared to go for him. He doesn’t have to know that there’s an ulterior motive behind my plan.
I make it down to the club after an unsteady walk and head straight through the club doors before nerves get the better of me. The lobby is a huge open space. I imagine how it would have been years ago, bustling with excited vacationers ready to check in for their annual break. The wide, stretched reception desk is all that’s left of those times now. The Dirty Souls hooded devil and the club motto, Bound not by blood but loyalty. We live, we ride, and we die by our own laws, carved into its polished wood.
The carpet beneath my feet is frayed and stained with alcohol, the elaborate wallpaper starting to peel from the walls. Seriously, you’d think these guys would take care of their sacred club a little better.
I avoid the smaller bar to my left, knowing that’s where Daddy usually hangs out, and I follow the loud music through to the large room behind the double doors. Making one final check over my shoulder, I push them open and step inside.
Stale beer, nicotine, and marijuana all assault my lungs at the same time, and smoke stings at my eyes as I scan the room trying to locate Jessie. The place is packed full of people, and I pray that Daddy won’t be the first person I run into as I try blending into the crowd, also avoiding anyone wearing a cut.
The one they called Squealer is using the pool table, but not for its purpose. He has a woman laid out butt naked on the green felt, a neat line of white powder trailing from her belly button and blending into a thin strip of pubic hair. She giggles, and he licks his lips as one of his humungous forearms crushes over her ribs to keep her still. With the wickedest of smiles he looks up at her, leaning forward and inhaling the long line from her skin through his nostrils. Collecting up any residue his nose left behind with his finger before he buries it deep inside her widespread pussy. I rip my eyes away, starting to understand why Daddy doesn’t let me down here at night.
I notice a few of the ‘brothers’ sat at the long bar on the other side of the room knocking back shots, none of them Jessie. So, I make my way towards the group of black leather sofas that are pushed up against the back wall.
That’s where I find him, slouched back, with a cigarette dangling from his lips. His legs wide, and one of the club whores straddling his lap. Her skirt has risen over her hips, and Jessie’s fingers are squeezing into the cheeks of her ass. I watch how he tilts his head back over the back of the couch, his eyes closing tight, while the skank whore’s hand works his cock from the inside of his jeans.
I take a few steps closer... too close. Running a massive risk of being seen. I’m fully aware that I’m staring, but I’m unable pull my eyes away from what I’m seeing. That smirk I love still hangs on his lips despite his mouth being slightly open. The girl who wears nothing on the top half of her body, sliding him through her fist. I’m mesmerized at how gorgeous he looks.
His eyes are open now, and full of pleasure as he nods his approval to her while she works him. His open-mouthed smile is just waiting to be kissed, and that bitch must read my mind coz she leans in ready to help herself to it.
Thankfully he stops her just before she reaches his lips. His arm reaching around the back of her head and gripping a fistful of her shitty weave. I’m surprised it doesn’t fall out in his hands when he uses it to wrench her away from his face.
“Only one place that mouth should be heading t’wards darlin’,” I hear him tell her, and the bitch takes rejection like a pro, smoothly sliding down his body to rest on her knees. My eyes widen when she takes him out of his jeans and holds him upright in her palm. I’ve wondered for a while now what his cock might look like, and it doesn’t disappoint. In fact, I’m curious to see how the girl is gonna attempt to fit it inside her mouth.
She starts at the base, dragging her tongue along the under length of his shaft before she slowly rolls it around his tip.
My mouth waters to taste him in the same way, and I watch in envy as she licks over every solid inch of his thick cock.
“Hayley!” I hear my name come from his mouth with a startled shriek, and my attention immediately moves from his dick up to his eyes. Jessie looks furious as he stands up on his feet and sends the girl tumbling backwards, her ass hitting the floor with a thump.
“Hayley, what the fuck you doin’ down here?” he shouts, tucking himself back into his jeans as he thunders towards me. He doesn’t give me time to answer his question, his hand rapidly wrapping around the top of my arm and pushing me back out the way I came.
I’m forced outside, the cool evening air slapping harshly against my burning cheeks.
“What the fuck, Hay? If your dad catches you here he’ll bust a nut,” he barks at me.