Page 53 of Little Lies

“Thank you.” Tero looks like he has something else to say but heeds the warning in my tone and walks out of my office. My desk has three files in total: two sinners and one saint, but the latter seems to always pay the price since birth. Sitting back, I scratch my jaw while eyeing each name—the male and female that seem to need something from my girl. “Why do they want you, Gabriella? What hand haven’t they shown yet?”


She’s in shock.

The look on her face is one of deep loss, and I’m angry for her, at her, for letting someone so unworthy so close. A disgusting woman who believes in self-service and destroying anything in her path. But then again, Gabriella’s too sweet and trusting, two qualities that don’t exist in the world we live in anymore.

“Talk to me.” My voice is low, yet it still carries a bit of ire. It’s a tumultuous feeling as my desire is ever-present, but right now all I can think about is sweeping her into my arms and shielding her from the pain. However, the anguish she’s in is necessary no matter how much I wish it wasn’t. It’s her path. Part of her growth.

Her eyes have been shut for so long. Her intuition is lost by choosing to trust others.

“To be honest, Theodore, I don’t know what to think. Her betrayal is setting in now—punching me in the face—and my mind can’t stop questioning her motives and my stupidity.”

“You two are worlds apart, sweetheart.”

“How so?” Those sad green eyes look at me from beneath long lashes, her posture so defeated. “Please, help me understand. Help me not fall apart.”

“I’d catch you as you fall, Gabriella. Each and every time.” A lone tear falls from her eye and my chest aches, something that I’d feel for no other. No woman or man has ever affected me as she does with a single look, and it’s been this way since I first set my eyes on her. “But this is part of life, sweetheart. You live and learn and become a bit harder after each lesson. No one is inherently good. No one deserves your blind trust until they’ve proven themselves.”

“And how does someone prove themselves? How can I—”

“By paying attention.” Her lips purse, and had this been any other time, I would’ve kissed her. Would’ve taken the very breath from her lungs and fed my soul with her taste, but I don’t. Instead, I tuck her head under my chin and give her the comfort she needs. And when I feel the tension leave her body, I kiss the crown of her head, speaking into it. “Your heart has always been beautiful, even toward those who have never deserved your empathy. But the time has come, Gabriella, to not give until you receive. To open those gorgeous green eyes and see the world for what it is, and while you learn, I’ll hold your hand. When you stumble, I’ll teach you to hold your ground. But what I won’t do, not today or in the future, is let you carry a cross that isn’t your burden.”

“But doesn’t that defeat the purpose of not trusting easily if I give in to you?”

“It does.” Won’t deny it. “And trust me, I’m the worst of all.”

Her head shifts, and our eyes meet once again. “What does that even mean?”

“It means I’m the worst beast of all because it’s your heart that I’m after. Because I want all of you, not leaving a single molecule of your DNA untouched. But know this: just like I’ll devour you, I’ll never leave your side. You’ll own me as irrecoverably as I’ll own you.”

“Anything you want to watch?” Gabriella asks an hour later after changing into a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top. We’re in her family room and on the couch, sitting side by side while sharing a blanket. Her choice. She hasn’t talked much after my confession; not in an uncomfortable way, but more contemplative—dissecting what she learned and my admission, because I want her.

All of her. Every soft inch.

Every sigh. Every moan. Every tear.

“I doubt you’ll enjoy what I decompress to.”

“Try me.” The streaming app is open and her avatar is quite cute in a purple-ish shade and superhero costume. “You’ll be surprised at what I enjoy.”

I’m more surprised with her need to have me close. The sweet way she asked me to stay.

Walking her to the door, I step to the side and wait for her to unlock it. “Will you be okay?”

Gabriella doesn’t answer at first, turning and pushing the doorknob instead before turning to face me from the other side of the threshold. “Are you leaving?”

“I’m not going to assume you want me here, beautiful. You’ve had a rough day, and I’ll give you space.”

Her brows furrow. “But I don’t want you to leave.”

“Are you sure? I’m only a phone call away.”

“This is my way of asking you.”

“I need to hear you say the words, Gabriella. I’m not going to assume.”

“Theodore, come inside and lock the door behind you...” she’s walking away, calling from over her shoulder while her hips sway from side to side “...I’m not in the mood for more surprise visits.”