Page 9 of Little Lies

It fits her.

Wild. Free. Dark.

“So will you humor me?” I ask just as the server comes over with a carafe and a questioning glance around the table. No one answers, waiting for Gabriella to decide, and her nod makes me smile. The young lady serves everyone a cup silently and when done, I signal to my menu to say I’m still looking. She walks away and I look at Elise first, taking in her over-bleached hair and see the intentions in her eyes clear as day before returning my attention where it belongs. I’ve met people like her before, and crooked intentions never stay hidden for long. “Thank you.”

“None needed. I’m thankful for the opportunity to discuss the possibility of working together.” Her cheeks warm up a bit, and she fingers the neckline of her dress, a subconscious act that makes her more attractive. “But I’ll still need a minute with Miss Scott, if you don’t mind. We won’t be gone for long.”

“Of course.”

“Gabby, we can discuss this later. No bad vibes on your birthday.” Elise’s interjection doesn’t come off good-naturedly, and Gabriella notices this. After taking a single sip, she places her coffee mug down with a bit of force, and the people to the left of us look over.

There’s a furrow between her brows now that I want to smooth over with the tip of a finger, and then trace the contour of her cheek before cupping her chin and kissing the swollen lips the ripe color of berries that have been tempting me since our encounter outside. Her green eyes are blazing, her body language clearly upset, yet she breathes in deeply and waves over the waitress who’s been hovering nearby.

“Are you ready to order?”

“Yes.” Gabriella hands the young woman the menu. “I want the fry up, while she’ll have the Eggs Benedict.”

“Perfect.” The waitress’s attention turns to my assistant with a blush. “And you?”

“Same. Fry up will do.”


“Nothing for me. I’ve already eaten.”

“Would you like me to get you some fresh coffee instead, or something else?”

Mine has gone untouched so I nod, pushing the ceramic cup toward the center of the table. “An orange juice will suffice.”

“I’ll go put those in and be right back with your drink.”

Once the waitress is gone, Gabriella turns to look at me. And I love it. Her attention. “We could wait if you want, and go through the contract first?”

“Very thoughtful, Miss Moore, but what kind of man would I be if I made you starve on your birthday?”

There’s that hint of a blush again. So pretty. So innocent.

“To be honest, not a very nice one.” At her response, I chuckle. Beautiful and sassy. “But I also understand that you are a busy man and this isn’t your only stop for the day.”

“It isn’t.”

“All the more reason to—”

“Let me buy you breakfast and kick off your birthday celebrations.”

She nods and then takes a sip of coffee. “You only turn twenty-one once.”

“Happy Birthday, Miss Moore,” Tero says from beside me, holding his own cup up in salute. “I hope it brings you joy, love, and peace.”

“Thank you.”

“Add to that a showing at such a prestigious gallery, and Gabby has the kind of life most would kill for.”

“Indeed.” It takes everything in me not to glare at her friend. Something isn’t right with her, the backhanded comments showing her jealousy—the desperation to be the center of attention. “But Gabriella isn’t getting a handout from me, Elise. On the contrary; I’ve seen her work and have heard the admiration some of the most respected in the community have for her, especially her lack of need for constant validation from her peers or art enthusiasts. That shows maturity and confidence in her pieces. Miss Moore knows her worth.”

“That’s very kind of you to say...” Elise pauses, but I shake my head before she continues digging herself a bigger hole.

“It’s not. I’m merely stating a fact.” Holding a hand out toward Tero, I wait for him to place a file in my palm, and a few seconds later when he does, I put it next to Gabriella’s coffee mug. “My plans for the exposition are big, Miss Moore, and I will be demanding, but I believe that this business relationship can be more than beneficial for the two of us. You can go ahead and go through the file, or as much as you can while we wait for your meal.”