Page 35 of Keeping Ava

I’m not going to fight what I know to be inevitable.

Throwing my hands up, I reach back to stretch and a few bones in my upper back crack, giving my neck a bit of relief. At the same time, my shirt rides up and as I arch fully back, thrusting my pelvis slightly forward, a tiny gasp makes me aware of her presence.

Fuck, what her tiny sounds do to me.

I’m in no rush, and I turn my head toward the opposite wall where a large mirror hangs. She’s there, lips slightly parted and eyes on mine through the mirror.

Not running. Not hiding. For the first time, she is truly letting me see just how much I affect her.

“Good morning,” I say and add in two more stretches to mess with her. “What time is it?”

“A little past eleven.” It’s a bit breathy, and as I turn to face her, my mouth waters at the sight of flushing cheeks and messy hair. “Lunch is ready...I-I was coming to wake you up and give you your phone. It’s been going off nonstop since ten.”

At once worry fills me, but I keep my expression neutral. After her confession yesterday and my suspicions on the officers involved in this case, I’m trusting no one. Going by what Captain Perez said, no one is supposed to know she’s here outside of a few people, and that didn’t involve anyone else from my department.

“Where are we taking her now that her whereabouts have been compromised?” I ask Perez while pacing the length of the room downstairs in my building. There’s an eerie calmness flowing through me, fighting to keep my composure as the last few hours—our conversation at the pier—plays in my head. Her confession and tears gut me. Make me see red. She’s been alone for years dealing with his sickness while the world ignored the signs. While those she trusted told her it was a lie. That ends here. Now. Taking my phone from my pocket, I pull up my contact list. “My mother has a vacation home in Colorado...I’m sure she’ll—”

“Ava stays here. Both of you do.”

The resounding crack of my neck is loud inside the empty space as I turn my head to look at him. To his credit, the captain just holds a hand up but doesn’t step back.

“I’m sorry, Ford, but my hands are literally tied here. They won’t let me move her.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” My tone is calm but my ire palpable. Walking over to the table, I place my phone atop the file there and turned to fully face him. “Explain.”

“Watch the tone, Detective. I’m your boss and—”

“When it comes to her safety, I don’t give a flying fuck who you are.” Taking the remaining steps between us, I get in his face and meet his hard stare dead on. I’ll quit right now and leave with her if I have to. “You’re not putting her in danger to satisfy some DA’s fetish of catching him with her as the bait. Not happening.”

“I have no choice but to follow orders,” he says, and I can hear the remorse in his words, can see how upset he is by this, and it’s the only reason that I pause. It’s why I don’t storm out while sending the universe to go and fuck itself.

“I can’t—”

“Then don’t, Elijah. Remember what I said when I asked you to protect her?”

“At all cost.”

“Exactly. And while I need to enforce the orders given, I won’t hold against you how it’s interpreted. Do what you must...whatever that is, but both of you stay.”

“So you’re saying find a loophole.”

“I’m saying I trust you.”

“Is the coffee on?” I ask her, trying to evade any questions she might have—at least until after I find out who the call is from. Holding a hand out, I wait for my phone but she shakes her head. “Give it.”

“What’s going on?”

“Don’t know until I see who’s calling.”

Ava purses her lips while narrowing her eyes. “Swear?”

“Yes, babes. Give me a minute or two, and we’ll talk.”

“Fine.” She leans up on the tips of her toes and gives my chin a kiss. Her small hand places the device in my hand, and it begins to vibrate. “Go. I’ll make you a plate while you answer. Deal?”

“Deal.” My mouth lowers and I kiss her plump mouth, a quick, harsh kiss while my hand gives her ass a gentle smack. A taste. “I’ll meet you in there.”

“Okay.” I don’t miss how she pushes back a bit against my hand.