Page 29 of Back To You

Nicholas is my hero.

“I’m not going anywhere.” At my vow, he releases a shuddering breath and crushes me to his chest. His lips skim across my temple and down my cheek, words of love coming from his lips with each exhale. “It sucks, but we made a promise to work this out. And we will work…trust me.”

“With my life.”

“You better, Dr. Champ.” I’m successful in my attempt to break the tension when he chuckles. Taking advantage of his distraction, I turn my face and nip his chin. “I love the way you laugh. All carefree and loud, babe. It’s a cute laugh.”

He looks at me and shakes his head. “What will I do without this craziness in my life every day?”

“Make plans to get in a lot of trouble with me when you get back. I want dates, to be spoiled, and plenty of naughty sleep—”


“But I didn’t get to finish what I was saying.”

He gives a sheepish shrug. “You said naughty. That’s the only word that matters.”

“Men.” I roll my eyes and act put out. Even add a pout, which he leans in and nibbles on. His kisses are drugging, and I melt into him once more. Kiss him with every bit of the passion he ignites within me.

“Fuck, I’m going to miss this. Kissing you whenever the fuck I want.”

“Ditto.” And reluctantly, because it’s necessary, I pull back, giving him a small smile. “Now, what do we need to do to get you prepared? Do you have everything, or do we need to go shopping?”

“Just need to run to Target to pick up a few last-minute essentials. Almost everything is already purchased and in my luggage.”

Nodding, I do mental calculations over what of mine I can send him off with. “So, lets get to it. We’ll call Evan and Crissy…shit.”

“What?” Nick asks, alarmed.

“He’s leaving too. Right?”


“Crissy has to be getting this very same conversation and it’s…rough.”

Understanding dawns over his features; he nods and exhales a rough breath. “How can I make this easier for you?”

“Promise me to come back without a single scratch.”


“Also, I want souvenirs from wherever you are…” I run lazy circles over his chest “…don’t care what it is.”

“Deal. Anything else?” He presses closer, his cock rubbing against my thigh.

“Are we meeting with Evan and Crystal today?”

Pausing his violation of my leg, he nods. “Around three.”

“Then we have just over an hour before we need to go. Take me upstairs and…oh my God!” I laugh, looking at his sexy behind as he marches back to his room with my body thrown over his shoulder. The time we have left isn’t enough, but I plan to soak up as much of his warmth as I can. Burn these moments into my memories to carry me through.

To live is to love. To love is truly never letting go.