Page 1 of Back To You


She’s beautiful. Simply breathtaking, and I can’t look away.

I notice her the moment she sets foot on this South Carolina beach. It’s hot, a sunny day full of clear skies and warm waters, and yet it’s her beauty that stands out.

She’s exquisite. The definition of femininity.

A little doll—she couldn’t be more than five feet tall with curves that make my mouth water. Sensuous without effort; her flowing mahogany hair and perky ass give me a rush of excitement the likes of which I’ve never experienced before.

I devour each step she takes, the way each curl bounces while she bobs her head to the beat of reggae playing from my friend’s speaker. How her ass sways with each roll of her thick hips—hips that my hands itch to grab onto as I pull her closer.

Her body is made for sinning. To cause temptation—forsake one’s sanity and force a man to his knees.

And I want to. Fuck, I do. Worshipping every inch of her body will be a gift from God himself.

Because there’s no doubt that I will have her beneath me. My problem seems to lie in the how fast. Not the fact that she could have a boyfriend; to me she is single and fair game. No man with half a brain would ever leave such an enticing woman all alone and with so little on; that itty-bitty bikini she’s wearing is downright sinful.

Mentally, she’s fucked me and I’m left scrambling—figuring out a way to approach without scaring her off.

My urges are barbaric. My need is an almost demonic rush of lust that has me hard as a rock and almost panting. And all this while she walks through the sand without a care in the world.

How is she doing this to me?

Women have been nonexistent in my life for years. I can’t remember the last time anyone caught my attention, let alone had me cursing my decisions in life. Working as a doctor around the world, in remote locations where medical assistance is hard to come by, gives me purpose. Makes me happy.

However, right now, I’m not sure how I feel. There’s a mixture of confusion and lust—need and hunger—that’s clouding my mind. My judgement. A part of me is screaming that a week with her won’t be enough.

I’ve gone insane.

Before, my social life was nonexistent, and I liked it that way.

Past tense. I want the thrill of zero to sixty with her. To wake up buried deep inside her tight little body every morning.

Maybe I’ve been out in the sun too long? Maybe that last beer was my one too many.

This is all in my head, and I am drunk. It has to be it.

As if she senses my eyes on her, she flicks hers in my direction and my heart stops. “Motherfuck,” I say with a low growl. It builds in my chest, a rumble that both worries and exhilarates me. For thirty seconds, I feel and see nothing. Everything stops, and time stills while my heart beats like a war drum inside my chest.

It’s thumping for her. Or am I having a heart attack?

All my medical knowledge—years of schooling—mean shit at the moment. I’m out of my depths and hanging on the precipice of a free fall that makes no sense.

Our eyes lock, and she gifts me a dimpled smile before looking away and toward the girl beside her. I hate it. Not after having those ethereal grey eyes on mine. Those doe eyes, her small upturned nose, and her plump mouth will forever be ingrained into my mind.

Her beauty is striking, and another low rumble escapes from deep within my chest.

Each pump of blood rushing through my veins demands I get closer. Compels me to find out if her tan skin is as soft as it looks. If her cherry lips are as decadent as the natural ripe color they present.

“Are you okay, bro?” my friend Evan asks before elbowing me in the gut. I don’t register the discomfort. Instead, my eyes follow her toward a small area that isn’t overly populated. With hunger, I watch her bend at the waist and place her bag down. Admire the jiggle of her ass as she fluffs her towel and then spreads it out in the sand. “You’re worrying me, asshole.”

“Will you calm down? Quit interrupting.” Even as I answer, I don’t look away. Can’t.

This, right here, is better than porn.

I’m hard as a rock, and the ache within pushes me to take a step in her direction. Then another. It’s unconscious. My body takes over as my mind fights back and presents rational thought—tries to reason with me. You’re drunk and acting a fool. She’s just another pretty girl.

Bullshit. She’s more than that.