Page 41 of Back To You

Not that it changes anything, just makes it easier.

“We’re here, girls,” Caroline chimes as Richard pays the driver and opens the door to the SUV. He steps out first, extending a hand out to his wife. She takes it, gets out, and then we follow.

Follow them through the sliding glass doors of the entrance.

The hospital is a bustle of people: staff, patients, and the families of those currently being seen. So much is happening around us, and yet our focus remains on getting up to the eighth floor, where Evan and my Champ are.

I’m nervous, palms sweating as we take the elevator up and while checking in at the front desk. Two women man the desk while all around us nurses float in and out of rooms taking care of their patients. They’re busy—you can see the fucking exhaustion on each face.

“Who are you here to see?”

“Nicholas Adams and Evan Roberts,” Richard answers, his hand encasing Caroline’s.

“Relation to the patients?”

“Nicholas is my son, and Evan is a close family friend. His own family won’t be arriving until early tomorrow morning and have asked me to get an update for them. Will that be an issue?”

“Not at all, sir.”

“Good. The family and I appreciate it.”

During the exchange, Crystal and I share looks. Annoyed ones. They need to hurry up and point me in the right direction.

“Just one moment, please.” The nurse picks up a phone then and punches in what looks to be an extension. “Doctor Orton, please.” She smiles as us. “Hi. Yes. Sorry to interrupt you, doctor, but the family of Doctor Nicholas Adams and Evan Roberts has arrived, and you asked to be notified at once…” a nod while she jots something down “…of course. Right away.”

Caroline places her hand on the counter and leans forward. “I want to see my son, Miss.”

“Of course, I’m sorry for the delay. Adams is in room 526 and Roberts in 528. Just head straight down this corridor, and it’s the second to last door on the right.”

“Thank you,” Richard says, but doesn’t move. Instead, he looks over and signals for me to go ahead. “Who is the attending and why does he—”

I’ll forever be grateful for the head start, the few extra seconds I’ll get alone with my Champ.

Before anyone can stop me, I grab Crystal’s hand and rush down the hall. It feels never ending.

We pass room after room, each full to capacity and waiting.

To be seen. To be discharged. To have someone give them good news.

At the end of the hall we stop, a few steps from the doors, and look at each other. No words are said. None necessary.

We know.

This is where we separate and each walk toward our destiny. No matter how much I want to be there for her and vice versa, we each have someone we love needing us. It doesn’t diminish my loyalty to her or our bond; just signals a change in our dynamic.

A good one. A happy one.

We have love. A fairy tale that is now our reality.

“Come on, Crissy…let’s go wake those stubborn jerks up.” At my words, she nods. Giggles. “Love you.”

“Always.” She pulls me into a tight hug and then walks into Evan’s room, closing the door behind her.

“And then there was one,” I mutter low. Squaring my shoulder, I take in a few deep breaths while walking closer. Five steps, and I am at his door—looking through a slim opening and focusing on the arm in my line of sight.

It’s his. Those tattoos I find sexy as hell are on display.

Just a glimpse, and I feel a sense of calm take over. My Champ is right beyond this door.