Page 48 of Say Yes to the Boss

“Maybe he goes for midnight walks,” Nadine suggests, but her voice is doubtful.

I sigh. “Yeah. With all the free time he has. It’s okay. I mean, I was under no illusions about our arrangement. He made it very clear in the beginning that we were both free to date.”

“Which means you are free to meet Jake.”

I roll my eyes. “So I can color-coordinate his closet.”

“Yes, after you’ve made sweet, sweet love.”

“Ugh. I hate it when you pull out that phrase.”

She grins. “I know.”

Her phone rings and I raise an eyebrow, watching as she digs through her purse. “Since when do you have your phone on sound?”

“I do when I might get important—oh.” Her face changes in an instant, goes focused and predatory. “Hello?”

I sip from my drink and eavesdrop shamelessly.

“Yes,” she says, nodding, as if the person on the other end can see her. “Of course. Yes. I understand.”

“Understand what?” I stage-whisper.

She grins and shakes her head in my direction. “I’d be more than happy to. On the twenty-second? Yes. Yes, of course. I can have a completed series by then.”

I stare at her in exaggerated surprise, my mouth open, and she grins at me again. “Yes. Thank you so much. Talk to you soon.”

She hangs up and the next second she’s out of her chair, reaching for me, shrieking. “Oh my God!”

“You got a date for your exhibition?”

“Yes! They’ve decided I’m a headliner! A headliner, Cecilia!”

“A headliner,” I repeat, hugging her back.

“Someone dropped out and they just asked if I’d be willing to show sooner. If I’d bewilling, and I’d get a discount.” She leans back, dark brown eyes meeting mine. “Of course I’m willing.”

“This means you have the opening next month. The twenty-second.”

“Yes.” She wipes at her eyes. “I have so much to do. I have to complete my seven virtues series. In three weeks.”

“If anyone can do it, it’s you.”

“I’ll have to come up with the money a lot sooner, too. I hope you’re as optimistic about that.”

“Nadine,” I say. “About that... I might have solved that little problem.”

Her eyes narrow. “Have you married a second time?”

I snort. “No. The first time was enough.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have the money for the exhibition. It was part of what I negotiated for.”

She puts a hand on the table, as if she needs the support. “You… Cecilia. You’re crazy.”

“I’m determined,” I say, “and you’re more my sister than my best friend.”