Page 43 of Say Yes to the Boss

People I would never have been able to meet just a month ago, who wouldn’t have exchanged more than a sentence or two with me while I was Victor’s assistant. Who had lives and wealths and opportunities unimaginable.

Toasting to our fake union.

“To Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair,” Tristan says.

“To Mr. And Mrs. St. Clair,” the others echo, glasses held high. I keep my smile on my face and lean into Victor. For the first time, I’m grateful for his aloofness, for the relentless strength that keeps my own from flagging.

* * *

Summer’s arms are tight around me. “Promise me,” she says.

I laugh, running a hand over the silk of her dress. My head feels light with champagne and laughter. “I promise!”

“I have absolutely no one I can run with in this city, and if I don’t run with anyone, I don’t run at all.”

“We’ll do it,” I say. “I’ll text you next week with a time and a place.”

“And you’ll guillotine me if I don’t show up.” She lets go of me, a blinding smile on her face.

“I might not be quite so drastic, but yes. Can Ace come too?”

“He might slow us down,” she says.

“How fast do you think we’ll run?”

She laughs again, not stopping as Anthony wraps his arm around her waist. He looks straight at me. “It was very nice to meet you, Cecilia.”

I think of the times I’d patched him through to Tristan. “Likewise. You’re welcome to join our running club if you want.”

Summer puts a hand on his arm. “Anthony doesn’t run.”

He nods. “I don’t. Besides, if I tried, I have a feeling Summer and I would argue the entire way.”

“We wouldn’t,” she protests.

“We would,” he says. “You’ll want to chat while we run, or stop for ice cream, or take a scenic route.”

“You make me sound like a distracted squirrel.”

“Aren’t you, though?”

Their banter and obvious closeness sends a pang through my chest. It sharpens when Anthony presses a kiss to her temple.

“Are you ready?” Victor asks. He has my coat in hand and I take it from him, sliding my arms through the sleeves. The hallway tilts when I flip my hair back.

“Woah,” I murmur.

In a move that mimics Anthony, Victor wraps his arm around my waist. That’s the second time tonight.

“Thanks for having us tonight,” I say to Tristan and Freddie. “For the champagne, for dinner… for everything.”

“It was our pleasure,” Tristan says. “See you around, St. Clair?”

Victor nods and presses the button for the elevator. His arm falls from my waist as soon as the elevator doors close behind us. I take a deep breath. “We did it.”

“Yes, we did.”

“And we survived,” I say.