Page 92 of Saving Soul

“I’ll be back before you know it.” I smiled excitedly. “I’ve already found some apartments within my price range that look promising.”

Tash’s shoulders dropped. “Apartments? Cass, you need a backyard.”

“I’ll be lucky to get something near a park, Tash. This job may pay well, but the money will eventually dry up.”

“Then live with us.”

“No.” I grimaced. “I’m sick of imposing on everyone.”

“It’s just until you get back on your feet.” Her eyes were full of worry. “Then work out a game plan from there. Who knows? Maybe things will work out with that man you’re sexting.”

My eyes bulged. “We’re not sexting!”

“You used video?” Her mouth dropped. “You go, girl!”

“No!” My laughter morphed into a wince. “We haven’t done anything like that.”

“Cassidy! Loosen up a little,” Tash said, taking on her stern-teacher persona. “What else are you going to do in your downtime? Surely you’ve run out of romance novels. Time to get the real thing.”

“He’s not the real thing.” Adam was a dream.

“Does it matter?”

“Yes! I’m not a one-and-done girl. You know that.”

“Then I guess you’ll have to wait until you get back here. There’s a guy from Bryce’s office who is dying to meet you.”

“Please, no.” I cringed inwardly. “I can find my own dates. In fact, my client’s doctor asked me out the other day.”

“What?!” Her face swamped the screen. “Is he hot?”

I thought about the man due to return on Monday for Liam’s check-up. “He’s gorgeous, actually.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“He’s my client’s doctor!” I cried. “And before you harp on that, I’m just not sure about him. He seems…too…perfect.”

“Well, maybe he has a small dick. There are work-arounds for that.”

I burst out laughing. “Oh, Tash. I miss you so much.”

“I miss you, too.” She shook away her welling eyes. “What are the plans for Finn’s birthday this Sunday?”

“I’ll video-call in the morning, watch him open the presents I left, then he’s going to the movies with his Pa. I’ve arranged for Amy to make his favorite dinner, so I’ll call again that night to sing “Happy Birthday” and watch him blow out the candles on his cake.”

“And how are you feeling about this?” She knew me too well.

“To be honest…I’m feeling like a pretty shitty mom right now.”

“You’re not a shitty mom. You wouldn’t be doing this if you were.”

The knot in my stomach didn’t budge. “He says he understands…but I don’t know…”

“So mature…just like my little brother.”

“He’s looking more like him every day,” I said, loving the fact.

“Lucky devil.” Tash’s smile grew solemn. “Dom would be so proud of you guys.”