Page 86 of Saving Soul

With a wince, I slipped back into bed and stared at the door, pondering my conversation with Josie earlier. Maybe I was wrong about him. Maybe he was worth the risk. Maybe, away from Harlow Manor, we could be more. I knew he had a heart hidden under his ruthless façade, but if it didn’t have space for my son, I could never give him mine.

An hour before sunrise, I woke to the alarm reminding me to take Liam to the library. After washing my face and changing into a pair of skinny jeans and an oversized wool sweater, I swung open my door to have a grown man tumble to my feet.

Adam winced and groaned as he stirred awake.

With a sigh, I bent over and pulled him up. “Come on,” I muttered, steering his large, broad-shouldered body across the hall.

After dumping him onto his bed, he gazed up at me with a lazy grin. “I knew you’d take me to bed eventually.”

The corner of my mouth twitched, but I fought off the smile. Drunk or not, I couldn’t show any weakness to his charming ways. “Do you need any pain relief?”

“Mmmhmm,” he murmured, unzipping his fly. “Please.”

“Oh my God, Adam!” I smacked his arm. “That’s not what I meant!”

“I know…but it was worth a try.”

Shaking my head, I searched his bathroom for the pain killers he’d need within hours—especially with his parents arriving soon—and filled a glass of water. As I placed it on his nightstand, my gaze traveled to the gorgeous man before me.

His chest rose and fell in steady succession, but the deep line between his eyebrows remained. Although he was fast asleep, his face wore tension that stirred my soul. Reaching out, I traced my finger over the line, wanting to draw his pain away, but snatched it back when Adam emitted a heavy sigh.

“Don’t go,” he whispered, but his eyes remained closed and body still. He was talking in his sleep.

As my racing heart slowed, I backed out of the room, needing to get to Liam before the sun rose on his final Thanksgiving.


“Iwant you to have dinner with us,” Liam said as the sky lit up before us. “Doc says I’m well enough to join the family in the dining room, and I’d like you to be my date.”

“I don’t think Caroline and William would be very accepting of that notion.”

“I don’t care what they think. You have been by my side every day since you arrived, and I’ll forever be grateful for the time you’ve given me. I want you at my table, Cassidy, and I won’t take no for an answer.”

I sniggered at his persistence. Adam clearly inherited that trait from his grandfather. “Then I better go find something to wear.”

“Wonderful. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“It’s the 21stcentury, Liam. I’ll pick you up.”

His laughter filled the library as he grasped my hand. “Oh, Betty would’ve loved you.”

“And I can see why she fell for you.” He was as smooth as his grandson. “Now, let’s get you back to bed before Caroline and William get here.”

My entire day was spent on a video-call with my family. I watched my son muck around with Reed in the background, while Amy and I chatted with my father as they prepared dinner. A few family friends came and went, and my dad’s latest girlfriend dropped by before Finn pulled the laptop into his bedroom.

“You okay, Mom?” His voice was full of concern.

“Don’t worry about me, Finny.” I admired his empathic nature. “Are you excited about your birthday on Sunday?”

Finn shrugged. “I guess…”

“I’ve arranged for Aunty Amy to make your favorite meal.”

“It won’t be the same.”

“I know, but I’m trying.” Guilt churned my stomach. “You know how desperately I want to be there with you, don’t you?”

Finn sighed heavily. “Yeah, I know.”