Page 25 of Saving Soul

“Was he?”

“As if you didn’t notice.” She giggled. “And he had his eye on you.”

I gushed. “He was cute, wasn’t he?”

“Maybe he’ll ask you out.”

“Oh, I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

“I can’t see why not. You’re free on weekends, aren’t you?”

“It’s not that. It’s just…” I twirled the ring on my finger.

Josie gasped. “I’m so sorry. You’re not ready. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No, it’s okay. You’d think after four years I would be.”

“It’s hard letting someone in after you’ve lost someone, but it can be worth it. Grampa reminded me of that when Grayson and I were just starting out, and look at us now.” She smiled down at Harrison, babbling in her arms. “When you meet the right person, you’ll find there’s more room in your heart than you think.”

“I hope so, for Finn’s sake more than mine. He going to be a teenager before I know it, and he’s going to need a man to talk to.”

“Perhaps Reed could offer some advice when the time comes.”

I cackled. “Finn would be mortified. They’re gaming buddies.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone. Or just take the bull by the horns, do some research, and give him the run down. He’ll probably benefit from a female point of view—or at least, his girlfriends will.”

I sniggered. “You’re probably right, plus I barely have time to date anyway. I need to focus on getting our lives back on track.”

“Amy mentioned you’re still paying off your husband’s medical costs. I’m really sorry. You shouldn’t have to deal with that after such a loss.”

“I just have to keep moving forward, little by little.”

“You’ll get there.”

I stopped in my tracks and turned to her. “Hey, thanks for putting my name forward for this job. I’m sure you had a lot of resistance to the idea.”

“There aren’t many people like you, and Grampa thought you were perfect. I think this family—even if some of them don’t realize it yet—is blessed to have you here during this time.”

“Hopefully I can make a difference.”

“You already are. I’ve never seen Grampa this happy.”

“I think Harrison has something to do with that.”

“Maybe…but I think your company has lifted his spirits.”

“I hope so.”

“May I ask how you do it? This job, I mean? After my parents died, I couldn’t bear to be around the grief that followed. It’s the reason I moved from Australia to New York.”

“I thought the same way after my mother died suddenly. But after watching my grandmother succumb to cancer and a vicious disease take my husband, I realized that losing someone through illness was different. The grieving process starts while the person is still alive, and I’d do anything to help ease that pain for others. That was why I became a death doula. I decided to embrace death instead of wallowing in the misery of it.”

“That’s actually really beautiful.” Josie blinked away tears. “You’re a fucking superhero.”

I burst out laughing. “Or just a new-age whack job.”

She linked her arms through mine. “New-age whack jobs are my favorite people.”